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2015 Means Two Goals for SSD

I don’t normally share our plans because sometimes they don’t always come to fruition but we’ve got two projects that have sat in the back burner for entirely too long. It’s high time we implemented them.

The first is Soldier Systems Digest, a weekly email-based newsletter. You’ll finally be able to actually subscribe to SSD.

The second project that has been in development hell for the past several years is The concept is that all sale / discount announcements will go to a central location in a new sub domain on SSD.

What are your goals for 2015?

17 Responses to “2015 Means Two Goals for SSD”

  1. Taylor says:

    Will sales announcements be part of the newsletter?
    Get my NFA tax stamps and then some suppressors.

  2. matty says:

    Get A License for skydiving. Finish sleeve and get my MTS cert.

  3. Comprehension says:

    Goals? You mean like reading less reviews and announcements on SSD to tighten my spending on quality clothing and dispel anger from the common fucktardry SSD reports on which runs through .mil channels like STD’s at Ft. Bliss? Ummm….nope. But many goals in regards to family time and continuing to be a husband, father and Dad to all my kids. Happy New Year, SSD!

  4. Soldier Systems podcast! Soldier Systems podcast!

  5. Dan says:

    I resolve to cut down on the Baileys in my coffee……
    At work

    I’d definitely subscribe to SSD, I’m on your site every day

  6. Scott says:

    This may seem petty to some, but I wish when you clicked on a hyper-link it would open in a separate browser….. just my .02.

  7. Write more on 2 Cent Tactical and start the Bushcraft version of my website that will share info between the two. I also need to sell more shemaghs so I can do the next patch runs.

  8. Keith says:

    Find time to train.

  9. cimg says:

    to get a KCRF patch

  10. Sounds Like a Good Way to Start off 2015!!

  11. tictac says:

    Well since most of my resolutions never happen, I’m trying the reverse psychology method. Read less ssd, run shorter distances, stop learning, avoid challenges, go broke etc.

  12. Steve says:

    Survive my second stint at Ft. Benning, and not be a shit 2LT. Also replace my extensive UCP wardrobe with OCP.

  13. PLATATAC says:

    Looking forward to another interesting year of SSD!

  14. Graham says:

    Jumpable. Monocoque protos. Make a funny joke.