B5 Systems

Battle Dawgs Racing Veteran Support


Battle Dawgs Racing is a professional sled dog racing kennel based in Big Lake, Alaska. They are also extremely supportive of the Veteran community, as you can see in their new campaign for this year’s Iditarod: #stop22. Recognizing that 22 Veterans a day end their own life in the USA, Battle Dawgs Racing will be wearing Wild Things Tactical jackets adorned with the Stop22 logo. Team members will sport the patches unit and combat style and will also display two flags also adorned with the Stop22 logo. These MultiCam ponchos also happen to be lined with wolf fur. Through the use of the MultiCam jackets, and patches, their goal is to raise awareness for Veterans during the Iditarod sled race, an event which will be viewed by millions of fans, insuring a high level of coverage.

Additionally, the non-profit side of Battle Dawgs is bringing two Veterans up for a retreat trip. Both currently suffer from PTSD, having served in the Army with multiple deployments. They will witness the start of the Iditarod in Anchorage and Fairbanks then travel to Nome to witness the finish. During the week of the race, they’ll both be treated to snowmobiling trips, sled dog mushing, ice fishing, skiing, snowboarding, all to enjoy the beauty of the Alaskan outdoors. They’ll also be involved in the making of their own personal custom-built knife, and will enjoy additional activities in Nome.


Update: Here’s a picture of the jacket in use.



12 Responses to “Battle Dawgs Racing Veteran Support”

  1. Reeky says:

    i want a wolf fur lined multicam jacket 🙁

    great cause!

  2. Casey says:

    Seriously, those would sell like hot cakes. Just a promo or will they be offered?

  3. Stay Tuned ! We are very proud of this relationship!

  4. Dellis says:

    Bad ass-ary on the jacket…love it! Boy is PETA gonna be pissed!

    • SC1911 says:

      The same people who brought you “sea kittens (fish)“, PETA has never been thrilled about the Itidarod let alone anything involving fur, leather, etc. This just gives them another reason they’ll protest the race.

      Btw, I think I saw that wolf on one of my game cams last month. Glad to see someone is putting it to good use.

  5. Ty says:

    How can I get one of these jackets

  6. rob371 says:

    Glad to see a great team mushing for a great cause. I’ll be at the start line and try and get some pics.

  7. Go Battle Dawg Racing! Rick and Jessy are rockstar for the cause #stop22 #vemma

  8. Craig says:

    I want that jacket (Minus the patches) too!!!

  9. Brad says:

    I agree those jackets are badass

  10. FiveSibesMom says:

    Go Battle Dawgs! FiveSibes support the #STOP22 campaign. See our blog post and YouTube video at: http://fivesibes.blogspot.com/2015/02/fivesibes-join-k9sstop22-stop22.html

  11. Corey says:

    Are they sustainable Non-GMO wolves?