
SilencerCo Wants You To #FightTheNoise


4 Responses to “SilencerCo Wants You To #FightTheNoise”

  1. Stick says:

    Willie is awesome.

    That is all.

  2. Darrel says:

    What are they actually trying to sell? A philosophy? Or pieces of metal that redirect hot gas?

    Silencerco appeals to the worst audience. The same well-to-do hipster types that buy TAD knives and wear “low profile” tactical ballcaps to starbucks.

    • HSR47 says:

      So what?

      If we’re ever going to get rid of the NFA, in whole or in part, then NFA ownership (as well as gun ownership generally) MUST be a big-tent activity.

  3. maresdesign says:

    I think its great they are reaching out to a new audience. Yes, Willie is awesome too!