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Posts Tagged ‘Silencerco’

SilencerCo Releases Quietest .22 Suppressor to Hit the Market

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

WEST VALLEY CITY, UT – September 25, 2018 – SilencerCo has unveiled a new .22 suppressor that is aimed to silence the rimfire market and to commemorate the company’s 10-year anniversary.


The Switchback 22 allows users to choose between three lengths, with the long configuration optimized for either a pistol or rifle host. As the most versatile rimfire silencer ever developed, the Switchback 22 is the first to use rocket propulsion principles. This approach to engineering results in non-intuitive baffle reversal and reduces the sound report on a .22LR rifle to an unheard-of 108 dB (with subsonic ammunition).


SilencerCo is not new to creating modular products—they blazed the market on modularity with the Salvo 12 in 2014. Two years later the Osprey Micro 22 continued the legacy of modularity. SilencerCo then successfully launched the first and only integrally suppressed 9mm pistol on the market, the Maxim 9, which supports modularity with its short and long configurations.


“Gas flow can be sped up or slowed down by tapering a bore wider or tighter,” said Jake Turnblom, SilencerCo engineer. “Cones act as a nozzle (to speed up) or a diffuser (to slow down) gases in propulsion.The effect a cone has completely flips when transitioning to or from supersonic or subsonic velocities. Using cones (by flipping them) as supersonic diffusers is what led to the discovery of improved suppression on rifles.”


Finished in raw titanium with black nitride end caps and coupler, the Switchback 22 has a MSRP of $499 and can be configured into three sizes. On a rifle, the suppressor is hearing-safe in the shortest configuration of 2.5 inches with a weight of only 3.2 oz. The medium configuration is 3.59 inches and 4.3 oz, while the long is 5.75 inches and 6.5 oz.

SilencerCo dealers will have the chance to purchase the Switchback 22 from distributors starting today. If a customer is interested in getting their hands on one, they should reach out to their local FFL/SOT.

SOFIC 18 – Possible Glock Sub Compact Weapon Concept

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

Earlier this month the US Army released an RFI to industry, seeking sources for a full auto, 9mm sub compact weapon. Just weeks later, Glock displayed this combination at SOFIC.

It combines a Silencerco suppressor, Mako foregrip and Endotactical stock adapter with a Magpul stock, all mounted to a select fire Glock 18.

Leadership Changes Announced at SilencerCo

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

This press release hit Business Wire earlier today.

WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah–(BUSINESS WIRE)–SilencerCo, the nation’s leading designer and manufacturer of firearm suppressors (“silencers”), announced a change in company leadership effective January 3, 2018. Joshua Waldron will step down from his CEO position, and Jonathon Shults will step down from his role as President. Co-founded in a garage in 2008 by Waldron and Shults, SilencerCo has grown to be an industry leader, controlling the majority of sales of firearm suppressors and related accessories. The company has garnered the attention of gun enthusiasts, the business community, and even lawmakers, as Waldron and Shults, and hundreds of dedicated employees, have worked together to perfect their trade while also effecting social awareness of gun rights.

Mr. Waldron will continue his relationship with SilencerCo as Senior Advocacy Advisor, where he will focus his energy on firearm legislative advocacy, an area in which he excels. Mr. Shults will assume a new role as SilencerCo Chief Operating Officer, where he will oversee day-to-day operations and remain heavily involved in his areas of expertise, including R&D and product innovation. Both Waldron and Shults will serve on the SilencerCo Board to stay involved with the overall direction of the company. They each remain the company’s two largest equity holders.

Mr. Waldron stated, “After years of grit and hard work, SilencerCo is poised to succeed. It is now time for me to turn my focus to advocacy for the company and its industry. Resigning from my current duties as CEO will allow for more time spent in the legislative arena, furthering the scope and influence of SilencerCo products in the future.” Mr. Shults stated, “SilencerCo is responsible for suppressor industry innovation. As Chief Operating Officer, I look forward to working with our team to ensure that we stay at the forefront of firearm suppressor design and technology.”

The SilencerCo Board is currently engaged in a search for a CEO and will make an announcement regarding this position as soon as it has been filled.

More information about SilencerCo can be found at

SilencerCo Releases First-Ever 50-State-Legal Suppressed Muzzleloader

Tuesday, September 19th, 2017


WEST VALLEY CITY, UT – September 19, 2017 – For the first time since the National Firearms Act (NFA) was created in 1934, civilians can enjoy suppressed shooting in all 50 states with SilencerCo’s latest innovation: the integrally suppressed Maxim 50 muzzleloader. In addition, this product can be purchased right now on the web with no regulation (no 4473, no tax stamp, no photographs or fingerprints) at and be shipped immediately to the purchaser with few exceptions*.


Residents in the 42 states that allow civilian ownership of silencers have to pay a $200 tax, fill out forms, send in photos, submit to fingerprinting, and wait months for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to review their forms and check their backgrounds—just to acquire an inherently-harmless product. With all the hoops to jump through, it’s no surprise that many Americans have difficulty committing the time or money it takes to save their hearing. Citizens may have had their Second Amendment rights suppressed, but innovation cannot be silenced.


With the invention of the Maxim 50, SilencerCo has created a product that is 100% legal for civilian ownership in all 50 states while providing hearing-saving suppression at a reasonable price point. How is this possible? By paying very close attention to the law.


The BATFE defines a silencer as a “device for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm . . .” By that definition, a silencer is only a silencer if it can attach to a firearm. The Maxim 50 is built on the base of a Traditions™ Vortek Strikerfire Muzzleloader. For those who know muzzleloaders, you’ll also know that they are not considered firearms by the BATFE but are instead antique firearms, a definition and difference that is very distinct. Because of this, a moderator that is permanently affixed to a muzzleloader is not legally defined as a silencer, since it does not attach to a firearm. With this realization, the Maxim 50 was born.


“It took a lot of creativity to arrive at this solution,” said Josh Waldron, SilencerCo CEO and Co-Founder. “We have been working on this product for three years, with most of that time spent waiting on a determination from the Technology Branch of the BATFE as to how this product would be classified. As soon as we received official word that it wouldn’t be considered or regulated as a silencer, we got to work on bringing the Maxim 50 to customers across the country.”

SilencerCo expects the Maxim 50 to be a hit not only with the NFA-loving crowd, but also with hobbyists and hunters. In many states, muzzleloader hunting begins days (sometimes weeks) before standard rifle season, giving hunters using this platform an edge. But this edge does come with caveats – antique firearms are usually loud, have lots of recoil, and the shooter has to battle the thick cloud of black powder smoke billowing from the barrel as they try to see if their shot connected with their game. The Maxim 50 solves all of the issues experienced by muzzleloader shooters while also drastically reducing the resulting smoke by more than two-thirds, allowing hunters to see the location of their shot and track their game.

SilencerCo is honored to finally be able to bring suppressed shooting to its customers across the country, especially in states such as California, Illinois, and New York, where civilian ownership of silencers is not currently allowed.
To see more on the Maxim 50 visit

* Visit SilencerCo’s website for a complete list of shipping restrictions.

SilencerCo – The Wait Is Over Maxim 9 Is Now Shipping

Friday, May 19th, 2017

Maxim 9

The Maxim® 9 is the world’s first integrally suppressed 9mm handgun that is holster-able and hearing safe with all types of 9mm ammunition. Shipped in its full-length configuration, the Maxim 9 comes with everything the user needs to shorten the overall length by more than 1”; in the short configuration, the Maxim 9 remains hearing safe with subsonic ammunition.

Regardless of which configuration you use, the Maxim 9 represents one of the greatest strides made in both pistol and suppressor technology. No more choosing between keeping your pistol as short as possible and enduring deafening sound or adding a silencer and dealing with the added length and weight. Now, you can have the best of all worlds with the Maxim 9.

Features & Key Benefits:

  • Hearing safe and holsterable
  • 4.38” Fixed Barrel
  • Uses standard Glock Magazines
  • End User Serviceable
  • Ambidextrous Controls
  • Precut for Micro Red-dot Optics
  • Key-mod interface that allows for the addition of a rail and light or laser
  • The Maxim 9 has has shipped to distributors and will reach dealers soon. Many dealers have established pre-order lists. For more information, visit our website or contact your local dealer.

    SilencerCo – Jason Schauble to President

    Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

    I guess the cat is out of the bag. Jason Schauble has assumed the role of President at SilencerCo.  

    If you’re unfamiliar with his name, he’s a former Marine, former Remington (AAC) executive and former CEO at TrackingPoint.  Lately, he’s been the Chief Revenue Officer at SilencerCo. 

    Word is that CEO Josh Waldron and President Jonathon Shults are still involved with the business but less so, and concentrating more on investor relations. 

    SilencerCo Presents – Harvested : Dialed In

    Saturday, February 18th, 2017

    “The best way to learn anything, no matter what you’re doing, is by making mistakes.” BMX Gold Medalist Morgan Wade is no stranger to the try, try again way of life. Through more broken bones and serious injuries than we care to count, Wade has stayed committed to honing his craft and doing what he loves.

    Morgan brings the same commitment to hunting as he does to BMX, always striving to learn from mishaps and improve for the next go around.

    SHOT Show Media Day – SilencerCo Maxim 9

    Tuesday, January 17th, 2017


    Last year, we featured an article on SilencerCo’s integrally-suppressed Maxim 9 as seen at Media Day at the Range. At that time, it was a pre-production model with a 3D-printed frame.

    This year, the Maxim 9s at the range were still pre-production, but much closer to the final product, and more importantly, we actually got a brief bit of range time with them. Major changes when compared to last year’s pre-production Maxim 9 include:

    – Newly textured grip; note it is still 3D printed
    – RMR cutout forward on the pistol, in a non-reciprocating position
    – New trigger
    – KeyMod slots under the dust cover to mount a light or laser


    Yeah, you read that right, KeyMod slots. It’s a bit unorthodox for a handgun, but if it works, right?

    Also, as it turns out the Maxim 9 features a delayed roller lock blowback action instead of a traditional short recoil, locked breech action.

    SilencerCo is currently in the process of having a third-party manufacturer produce the grip frames for the production model Maxim 9s. Once that’s complete, we can expect to see the Maxim 9 out in the market in the coming months.