SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Posts Tagged ‘2 Cent Tactical’

2 Cent Tactical Shemaghs

Saturday, May 18th, 2013

Our friends at 2 Cent Tactical asked us to share this announcement.

Well after what has seemed like a massive uphill battle the long awaited second run of 2 Cent Tactical shemaghs is finally in stores. In this whole process we have had to deal with design theft, incompetent shipping companies causing massive delays and of course the delay of me getting enough money to do a large enough order to last a bit.

30% of what we sell these to the retailers for goes to Wounded Warriors. The rest of the money goes back into other projects to help to continue to raise money for charity. When all is said and done we will have raised over $750 dollars for Wounded Warriors and be able to do a new run of patches.

The shemaghs have our skull maple leaf logo in them and are quite large to allow for shrinking when washed.


Due to the design theft we are also including one of our logo patches with each shemagh so that you can tell you are buying a legitimate item that is going to charity.

Thank you all for your suppourt during this time and head on over to our friends at One Shot Tactical and pick up some of these bad boys.

Copies Cost Canadian Charity

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

I received this email last night from the Canadian company 2 Cent Tactical. As a side project they develop morale products that they sell to raise money for Wounded Warrior Canada Unfortunately, copies of their designs are showing up and naturally, any money raised from teh sale of any counterfeits goes in someone’s pocket and not to the intended recipients; Canada’s wounded troops.

shemagh colors

As some of you may know outside of reviews 2 Cent Tactical does various little side projects like patches and shemaghs to raise money for Wounded Warrior Canada. These are not done with profit in mind in the least and were just something done to help out. I got an email from a friend who runs a store up here in Canada that he had been contacted and I might be interested in the email. It turns out another company has seen fit to attempt to sell my shemagh (the one bearing the maple leaf skull from my logo). Ignoring the fact that my design is being ripped off and someone is making money from it, the real piss off is that people may associate it with what we are doing. We plan to do another run of these and have them available at several retailers (more to be announced when they get ordered and make the journey to my office). These shemaghs will be sold having 30 percent of the sale price immediately go to towards Wounded Warrior. The rest just goes back into other patch designs for now with the eventual hope to be able to use all excess money for Christmas care packages for the guys heading outside the wire. I never set out to do this to make any money and I have striven to continue that as things have evolved. So if you are a store and you do get contacted by anyone but me to sell these things please do the right thing and get in contact with me instead. Also in order to distinguish our shemaghs from the ones that are currently ripping us off we will include a color matched logo patch with each shemagh sent to retailers.

I never really expected to have to write one of these but I am glad people in this industry have integrity and look out for each other.

If you need to get a hold of me try one of the following methods.
2 Cent Tactical