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Posts Tagged ‘Canada’

Canadian Forces Seeks Sniper Body Armour System

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

Public Works Canada has issued a tender for a Sniper Body Armour System. The details are below, but they only want 319 systems with an option for up to an additional 240 systems over the following 36 months. With numbers that low, it seems like a waste of resources to issue a tender. Just buy something off the shelf from a five eyes partner.  However, they are looking for Canadian content here, so if two or more Canadian companies bid, they won’t consider outside bids.

They explain thier requirement:
The sniper community currently has access to the in-service Fragmentation Protective Vest (FPV) that is worn by all Canadian Forces (CF) members. The in-service FPV is an all-in-one system, meaning the soft armour and in-service Bullet Resistant Plate (BRP) pockets are part of one garment. While the in-service FPV provides excellent ballistic protection, it hinders the snipers ability to operate effectively due to its bulk and restricted range of motion. Therefore it was determined that snipers require a less restrictive garment that allows flexibility of protection and movement based on operational needs.

The Sniper Body Armour System (SBAS) to be delivered under this contract is composed of three components. The first component is the SBAS External Carrier (SBAS EC) that will hold the SBAS Ballistic Panel (SBAS BP). The second component is the SBAS Plate Carrier (SBAS PC) that will hold the in-service BRP. The third component is the Bilingual User Instructions Card that provides important information related to sizing and wearing/caring for the SBAS.

The SBAS will provide ballistic protection to members of the sniper community with improved flexibility of movement and protection options. The sniper will wear individual components or both to maximize ballistic and fragmentation protection.

Item 01 – Sniper Body Armour System (inclusive of all related components) – quantity: 319 units

This requirement also includes options to purchase additional quantities as follows:
Item 02 – External Carrier Rear – estimated qty: 140 units
Item 03 – Ballistic Panel Rear – estimated qty: 140 units
Item 04 – External Carrier Front – estimated qty: 140 units
Item 05 – Ballistic Panel Front – estimated qty: 140 units
Item 06 – Plate Carrier Rear – estimated qty: 140 units
Item 07 – Plate Carrier Front – estimated qty: 140 units
Item 08a – Sniper Body Armour System (inclusive of all related components) – estimated qty: 240 units

One of the things I really appreciate about Public Works is that they are very specific about how they will evaluate a candidate’s bid proposal.  For example, go take a look at this Technical Evaluation Workbook.  If only the American acquisition community were so transparent.

Read the full details of the solicitation here.

Canada – Soldier Integrated Precision Effects Systems

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Several countries (including the US) have worked on future weapon systems that combine an air burst subcomponent and a personal defense weapon subcomponent. Soldier Integrated Precision Effects Systems is Canada’s effort. Working with Colt Canada, they are going all out, incorporating telescoping cased ammunition as well as a powered rail system.


The SIPES demonstrator you see here isn’t the actual weapon that will be fielded but more of a tech development effort. In fact, you’ll notice in the photo above that this particular example is meant for firing from a test fixture. SIPES is latest effort of the Small Arms Replacement Project II which began in 2007 and overall, Canada expects to spend about $1 Billion to upgrade its small arms capability. As you can see, small arms is an import system in the Canadian Soldier ‘System of Systems’.

Below is the Defence Research and Development Canada press release.

Canada System of Systems

More firepower, improved accuracy and smart integrated accessories that connect to command and control networks are the headline features of the new integrated assault rifle concept that Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) and Colt Canada have developed for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

The prototype, in development since 2009 through the Soldier Integrated Precision Effects Systems (SIPES) project, includes a firing mechanism to shoot lightweight cased telescoped ammunition, a secondary effects module for increased firepower and a NATO standard power and data rail to integrate accessories like electro-optical sights and position sensors.

In order to support the multi-role nature of the weapon, the prototype’s secondary effects module features the ability to install either a three round 40 mm grenade launcher, or a 12-gauge shotgun. When optimized, the integrated weapon prototype could weigh less than a C7 equipped with a M203 grenade launcher, reducing the burden on soldiers.


“In the medium term, this weapon concept represents a lethal, flexible general-purpose platform,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Serge Lapointe, from the Soldier Systems group in Director Land Requirements – Soldier Systems (DLR 5) of the Canadian Army. “It will be able to operate in all theatres of operations in the most complex terrain including urban areas, mountains, jungles, deserts and the Arctic.”

The development of the weapon prototype posed a considerable challenge. DRDC scientists analyzed advanced material technologies that could replace the metal used in heavy components. The lightweight case telescoped ammunition was tested extensively with the support of the Munitions Experimental Test Centre in Valcartier, Quebec to assess its long-term aging behaviour.

Scientists also studied how to increase the rifle’s accuracy using technology that can automatically detect targets and assist with engaging them. Questions related to the sensors needed to accurately geo-locate targets for target data sharing were also investigated.

How the soldier interacts with the weapon was also the subject of numerous human factor trials. Ergonomic and weapon prototype handling tests were performed by Human Systems Inc., under the supervision of DRDC scientists, with CAF soldiers from military bases in Petawawa and Edmonton. The testing was crucial to developing optimal design criteria to meet the CAF’s needs for the Small Arms Modernization project.


In addition, lessons learned by both DRDC personnel and the CAF during their deployment in Afghanistan revealed critical elements that informed the prototype weapon development process with respect to its design and functionality.

“The results of the first phase of the project have shown that DRDC expertise can be used to provide the Canadian Armed Forces with solid scientific data so they can make more informed decisions for their major acquisition projects,” said Dr. Guy Vézina, the Director General for S&T Army, DRDC.

The new weapon prototype is a promising development for the soldier of the future. The integration of electronic components will allow soldiers to generate or receive data from the command and control network. In the next phase of development, automated target detection and assisted target engagement will be the subject of an in-depth study in the Future Small Arms Research (FSAR) project.

Finally, the development of the integrated weapon prototype and the continuing analysis of promising technologies should facilitate the acquisition of the next generation of small arms by the CAF. The data collected and the analyses documented so far by DRDC scientists will be used in conjunction with the data and analyses that will be generated in the FSAR project to develop the technical criteria that will form part of the statement of operational requirement documentation for the CAF Small Arms Modernization project.

Photos by Jocelyn Tessier DRDC

Argo Exhibits at NGUSA

Thursday, September 4th, 2014


Argo, the Canadian ATV company, exhibited at the recent NGAUS conference in Chicago, IL. It’s great to see these guys starting to focus on the military market. Their family of amphibious ATVs have applicability not just for DOMOPS missions such as flood/hurricane response that the National Guard is assigned, but given the ‘Shift to the Pacific’ their vehicles make a lot of sense for use as a tactical mobility platform in jungle and mountainous terrain given their extremely low ground pressure and amphibious capability. Pictured above is their XTI 8×8 vehicle equipped with rubber tracks for over-snow or debris field applications.

Millbrook Tactical Is Exclusive NEMO Shield Distributor in Canada

Thursday, January 30th, 2014

Great news for NEMO Shield. It’s a great product line and the folks at Millbrook Tactical are awesome.

Millbrook Tactical Inc. is excited to announce that we are now the exclusive dealer of Nemo Shield® products in Canada. We are very proud to add Nemo Shield® products to our top tier tactical gear lines.

NEMO began adapting its shelter technology for elite U.S. Special Operations Forces and launched its Shield™ product line. In the years since, many elite Warfighters have depended on NEMO tents, shelters, sleeping gear, weapons bags and other products, to take full advantage of what limited comfort and protection can be found on the battlefield. NEMO is intensely proud to serve the American and Canadian Warfighter as well as Law Enforcement, and aims to design, engineer, and manufacture the best equipment solutions possible.

The Nemo Shield® brand can be found online at

US4CES Camo Patterns Offered To Canadian SOF

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013


According to HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp, the US4CES family of camouflage developed for the US Army’s Camouflage Improvement Effort is on display at the Logistik Unicorp booth # 216 at the Soldier Systems Showcase at the Ottawa Convention Centre today Dec. 10th and tomorrow Dec. 11th. US4CES transitional is not available for Canadian Regular Forces who do not require a transitional pattern but it is being offered for use by Canadian Special Operations Forces. All four camouflage patterns from the US4CES family are on display on their table.

For more information see:
Brigadier-General, Larry Lashkevich, OMM, CD, P.Log (Retired) at the Logistik Unicorp booth or Master Corporal, Matt Pitre, Canadian Special Forces (Retired) at the show.

Canadian Army Returns to Traditional Rank Insignia, Names and Badges

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

According to the Ottawa Citizen, the Canadian Government is restoring the Canadian Army’s traditional unit designations as well as ranks and insignia. Just two years ago, the Canadians restored their traditional service names to Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy, and Royal Canadian Air Force from the the Land Forces Command, Maritime Command and Air Command that they adopted in 1968. I think is pretty cool news for the Canadian Army to return to its roots. After all, what is the military without tradition? Oh yeah, the US Air Force.

(below from the DND/CF backgrounder):

When the Government of Canada announced that it was reinstating the historical name of the Canadian Army in August 2011, it restored an important part of the Canadian Army’s heritage. The restoration of traditions related to the historical identity of the Canadian Army appropriately reflects the re-designation of the institution.

The proposed changes include the re-introduction of divisional nomenclature and patches for the current Land Force Areas; traditional rank insignia for officers; corps shoulder titles following the restoration of traditional titles to a number of Canadian Army corps in April 2013; and the Canadian Army’s secondary badge. Further, the Minister of National Defence announced the intention to restore the historical Army rank names for non-commissioned members.

Divisional Nomenclature and Patches

Land Force Areas will be renamed as divisions and Canadian Army personnel will wear appropriate division patches. Formations will be renamed as follows:

Land Force Quebec Area will be referred to as “2nd Canadian Division”;
Land Force Western Area will be referred to as “3rd Canadian Division”;
Land Force Central Area will be referred to as “4th Canadian Division”;
Land Force Atlantic Area will be referred to as “5th Canadian Division”; and
Land Force Doctrine and Training System will be referred to as “Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre”.

There will be no change to 1st Canadian Division Headquarters.

Corps Shoulder Titles

Following the restoration of the Canadian Army’s corps in April 2013, corps metal and cloth shoulder titles will be produced.

Army Rank Names

The historical rank names for non-commissioned members, which have long been used informally, are being considered for formalization, at which point they would change as follows:

Privates of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps will be referred to as “Trooper”;
Privates and corporals of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery will be referred to as “Gunner” and “Bombardier” respectively;
Privates of the Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers will be referred to as “Sapper”;
Privates of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals will be addressed as “Signaller”;
Some Privates of the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps will be referred to as “Fusilier,” “Rifleman” or “Guardsman”, depending on their type of unit; and
Privates of the Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers will be referred to as “Craftsman”.

In addition, the second lieutenants and warrant officers in Guards regiments will be addressed as “Ensign” and “Colour Sergeant”, respectively.

Traditional Insignia for Officers

In line with the formalization of historical rank names for non-commissioned members, the traditional army officer rank insignia – with the stars, or “pips,” and crowns – are being restored. This ranking system is more than a hundred years old and continues to be used by armies the world over. Historically, the variations of the stars and crown were used to delineate rank so that officers could recognize each other on the battlefield. Canadian Army colonels and general officers will also wear the traditional gorget patches.

Canadian Army Secondary Badge

The new Canadian Army secondary badge is based on the historical Canadian Army badge used during and after the Second World War. It features the crossed swords, overlaid by three maple leaves conjoined on one stem. A crown is placed atop the maple leaves. The secondary badge will be displayed on the Canadian Army ensign and pocket badge.

Forces Focus – RCAF SAR Tech

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Last Friday, 6 new Search and Rescue Technicians graduated from an intensive 11 month program at the Canadian Forces School of Search and Rescue, based at 19 Wing Comox in British Columbia. They join the ranks of about 160 SAR Techs who are trained in advanced trauma life-support, land and sea survival, and specialized rescue techniques, including Arctic rescue, parachuting, diving, mountain-climbing and rappelling. Although assigned to the Royal Canadian Air Force they can tryout from any of the country’s service components.


Unlike the US Air Force’s Guardian Angel Weapon System consisting of Pararescuemen (PJ), Combat Rescue Officers (CRO) and SERE Instructors, the SAR Tech’s primary focus is not Combat Search and Rescue. Their SAR area of responsibility includes over 15 million square kilometres of land and sea and encompasses the world’s longest coastline and SAR Techs as well as the skilled aircrews they work with respond to more than 8,000 incidents annually that average over 1,200 lives saved and assistance to over 20,000 persons.


Congratulations to the graduates! According to the DND only about 1 in 3 candidates is accepted into training.

Master Corporal Jérôme Bourget, from Lévis, Quebec.
Master Corporal Anthony Bullen, from Boxey, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Master Corporal Jeff Elliott, from Victoria, British Columbia.
Master Corporal Chris Martin, from Pictou, Nova Scotia.
Master Corporal Brent Nolasco, from Peterborough, Ontario.
Master Corporal Oliver Willich, from Kincardine, Ontario.

All Photos – DND

Happy Canada Day!

Monday, July 1st, 2013


Thanks to Arc’teryx LEAF for reminding me.