Wilcox BOSS Xe

Argo Exhibits at NGUSA


Argo, the Canadian ATV company, exhibited at the recent NGAUS conference in Chicago, IL. It’s great to see these guys starting to focus on the military market. Their family of amphibious ATVs have applicability not just for DOMOPS missions such as flood/hurricane response that the National Guard is assigned, but given the ‘Shift to the Pacific’ their vehicles make a lot of sense for use as a tactical mobility platform in jungle and mountainous terrain given their extremely low ground pressure and amphibious capability. Pictured above is their XTI 8×8 vehicle equipped with rubber tracks for over-snow or debris field applications.

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3 Responses to “Argo Exhibits at NGUSA”

  1. Buckaroomedic says:

    Modern-day Jeep. Wonder if we can fit a litter on it?

  2. MattF says:


    Currently There is a Fire/EMS kit that is compatible with the Ferno #9 Stretcher and the Ferno Traverse Rescue Basket.

    In the works is a litter mount for STANAG 2040 compatible military litters such as the NA Rescue Talon series, Ferno Tactical and APE litters.

  3. Garry Bowman says:

    The ATV on display is loaded with features. Consumers have been awaiting Argos venturing out in the military market for long. Thanks for clarifying that it comes with its own Fire/Ems kit that is compatible with a stretcher and a traverse basket. We like the fact that the ATV has been designed keeping in mind the treacherous terrains of jungles, mountains and places with low ground pressure.