SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Posts Tagged ‘9/11’

9/11 Memorial – As It Happened – 0600

Thursday, September 11th, 2014


0600 – terrorists Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari traveled to Logan International Airport from Portland International Jetport in Portland, Maine.

0652 – fellow terrorist Marwan al-Shehhi called Atta at Logan to confirm the plans of the attack.

Never Forget

Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Here we are on the 10th anniversary of the worst attack on these United States. I hate to use the term anniversary as even it almost sounds celebratory. It’s a somber day for most of us, having sacrificed in so many ways.

To me, this is a day of remembrance. I spent the week thinking back on the last decade. I thought about that day, the ensuing weeks, and my service since then. I thought about my friends, the ones I had lost and the ones still out there. And then, I thought about my kids. Essentially, they’ve all grown up with war. For one, it’s all he’s ever known. Already, the older ones are becoming adults and joining the service themselves. I’m very proud. But, I leads me to my next point.

To my brothers and sisters in the fight, you have my utmost respect. So do your families. They die a little bit every time you go away. No man is an island. You are doing this for them, so make the most of what you have, when you can.

One percent of America knows it is at war. That part of America is sacrificing and doing the right thing. The rest, at least the ones who still care about this nation and our way of life need to get involved. Support our troops and their families.

Remember the Fallen, no matter how, no matter where. Bring those who would do us harm to justice, no matter how, no matter where.

Most of all…Never Forget