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Posts Tagged ‘Anachrobellum LLC’

Anachrobellum LLC – Roger’s Rangers T-Shirt 

Friday, April 1st, 2016

This is NOT an April Fool’s Release

01 April Broken Arrow
, Roger’s Rangers are back in the Roger’s Rangers Returned shirt from Anachrobellum. The frontiersmen and scouts trained by Robert Rogers were asymmetrical warfare experts before there even was a Continental Army (and long before anyone coined the term Asymmetrical Warfare). Once the Continental Army was established, its original 10 Rifle Companies were veterans of Roger’s Rangers.

Capt. Robert Rogers first recruited his men in 1775 to support the British Army during the French and Indian War, conducting recce operations, raiding and essentially becoming an iconic example of (truly) light infantry operations.

This is a storied unit of American military history. Indeed, Rogers Rules of Ranging are studied and quoted even today — just take a look at the United States Army Ranger Handbook, numerous scholarly works about warfare and counterinsurgency manuals. As such, Anachrobellum believes this warrior archetype to be imminently suitable for many of today’s armed citizens and uniformed professionals.

“Such in general are the rules to be observed in the Ranging service; there are, however, a thousand occurrences and circumstances which may happen that will make it necessary in some measure to depart from them and to put other arts and stratagems in practice; in which cases every man’s reason and judgment must be his guide, according to the particular situation and nature of things; and that he may do this to advantage, he should keep in mind a maxim never to be departed from by a commander, viz. to preserve a firmness and presence of mind on every occasion.”

(Text found immediately after the 28 Rules of Ranging in Robert Rogers original journal.)

The original Roger’s Rangers were obviously limited in their equipment and weaponry. Those of today have far more impressive tools — this is why our Roger’s Ranger Returned is rocking SKD PIG gloves, a MK17 with Elcan Spector and PEQ15 — as well as assorted other gear and the mandatory tomahawk of course!

Pick one up at www.anachrobellum.com or find them on Instagram, @anachrobellum. Please also take a look at our previous designs (Viking and Samurai) and let us know what you think other great archetypes might be. Watch the website for changes coming soon, it won’t be too long before we will be standing on our won. Thank you for your support!


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