FirstSpear TV

Posts Tagged ‘Atsko’

Rapid Rod – Collapsible Cleaning Rod

Monday, September 5th, 2011

During Viet Nam, many troops carried several sections of the old M16 cleaning rod taped to their hand guards in case they needed to rapidly clear a spent case from the barrel. Today, many troops are issued with snake-style cleaning kits which are effective but can’t be used to clear a barrel. On the other hand, 16″ of rod taped to your carbine can get hung up at the worst possible moment. However, there’s an interesting alternative available. Atsko makes Rapid Rod, a collapsible cleaning rod that works like a tent pole. The sections are connected by a shock cord so that it can be folded up for storage but rapidly brought into action when needed. No more worry about losing rod sections or taking the time to screw them together.