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Posts Tagged ‘Continuum Fashion’

3D Printed Clothing Comes of Age

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

The N12 bikini is the world’s first ready-to-wear, completely 3D-printed article of clothing.

That’s a pretty interesting statement. Especially when you consider that the first article of clothing is a bikini. Check it out and consider the possibilities (tactical possibilities).

Manufactured from Nylon 12, the garment is made using the SLS 3D printing process. Shapeways calls this material “white, strong, and flexible”, because its strength allows it to bend without breaking even when printed very thin. With a minimum wall thickness of .7 mm, it is possible to make working springs and almost thread-like connections. Once printed, the garment snaps together like one of those old folded paper models; insert tab A into slot B.

The material is waterproof and is made up of thousands of circular plates connected by thin strings. This makes the garment very flexible.

To learn more visit www.continuumfashion.com.