RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Posts Tagged ‘DPMO’

National POW / MIA Day 2011

Friday, September 16th, 2011

When I first came into the military in the mid-80s there were a lot of Viet Nam veterans, hell, I even served with some Korean War vets. One of the things that was pretty dear to the military in those days was the issue of POWs and MIAs. It seems that since War on Terror started, we don’t discuss this much anymore, but today is National POW / MIA Day.

Please remember our missing and honor those who were held as POWs by our adversaries. Also, take a moment to visit the Defense Prisoner of War Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) who is responsible for not only accounting for our personnel, but has a lot to do with the SERE training you receive.
