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Posts Tagged ‘Edible Plants’

Survival on GMA

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

A recent episode of Good Morning America featured former SF Officer Myke Hawke who was promoting his new book, “Myke Hawke’s Green Beret Survival Manual“.

Myke Hawke's Green Beret Survival Manual

In addition to a demonstration of fire starting using just steel wool and a battery, he also offered this mnemonic for remembering which berries are safe to eat in the wild.

White and yellow, kill a fellow.
Purple and blue, good for you.
Red… could be good, could be dead.

If [red berries are] growing in little clusters, they’re probably not good. If they’re growing in little singletons, they probably are good.
-Former SF Captain Myke Hawke

See the video of the GMA appearance here.