
Posts Tagged ‘Full Spectrum Firearms’

TacJobs – Full Spectrum Firearms – Wanted, Firearms Salesman

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014


Are you a Veteran of the United States Military looking for work in the firearms industry?

Are you interested in earning passive/massive income, by meeting/talking with local firearms dealers about products with which you are already intimately familiar?

Well, look no further, because Full Spectrum Firearms, is looking to contract with Veterans who are highly motivated, willing and able to work independently AND who are Salesman as F***!

Full Spectrum Firearms (FSF) is currently in the process of mobilizing a dealer direct national sales team. If you are willing and able to call upon local firearms dealers in your state, have the drive and ambition to constantly seek out new business and to service your established accounts, to introduce forthcoming products, FSF wants to hear from you.

If you are interested in getting in on the ground floor with a highly competitive, state of the art firearms manufacturer, please submit your CV along with a written introduction about yourself, to –