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Posts Tagged ‘Jane Fonda’

So “Hanoi Jane” Fonda Wants To Open A Dialogue With Viet Nam Veterans?

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

I hear that Jane Fonda wants to open a dialogue with Viet Nam Veterans. In July of 1972 “Hanoi Jane” Fonda visited America’s enemy, North Viet Nam in their capitol city of Hanoi. She yucked it up with the locals and manned this anti-aircraft gun not far from the infamous Hoa Lò Prison, known colloquially to the American captives as the “Hanoi Hilton” where they were tortured and demeaned. Those brave men were forced to provide propaganda for the Communist regime but Ms Fonda offered it up with a smile.


That isn’t all of Jane Fonda’s transgressions. She also made other propaganda for the Communist North Viet Namese including this radio broadcast. To add insult to injury, she called our returning POWs liars that hasn’t been tortured.

Jane Fonda’s conscience is now getting the best of her in her old age and she wants to “open a dialogue with Viet Name Veterans.” I hope those men never forget her traitorous acts. I was just a little kid when these events transpired and really learned about their implications as I grew older, but I’ll never forget.