TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘JFEK’

Joint Forces Extrication Kit ADS Tactical

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

ADS developed the Joint Forces Extrication Kit at the request of the military in order more widely proliferate the tools needed to extract personnel from disabled armored vehicles. When an up-armored HMMWV or MRAP rolls, it can be very difficult to gain access especially as the door are so heavy. After a quick market survey ADS was able to assemble this kit.

It consists of the Power Hawk Rescue Tool which is an electric system. I was there when this video was shot and it is lightweight but has the torque (72,000 inch pounds) to get the job done. The cross over jaws can be used to cut, pry, or peel open vehicle or aircraft skins in order to gain access. It can also be used on structures or debris. The JFEK also includes the Husqvarna K760 Rescue Saw with three diamond tip blades that can be used to but through locks, into wood and metal walls as well as transparent armor. The 30″ Halligan tool is used for prying and a 4 lbs sledge and 2000 lbs come along round out the kit’s contents. ADS can also customize the kit with additional items as needed.


While the JFEK was originally envisioned for use with armored vehicles, it can also work well for those engaged in other forms of rescue operations.
