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Posts Tagged ‘John Q Public’

John Q Public Discusses ‘Grunts of the Air’ : The A-10 Video The Air Force Doesn’t Want You To See

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Fellow Air Force retiree Tony Carr writes the John Q Public blog which keeps the Air Force on its toes. He has been keeping tabs on the Combat Camera-produced, unreleased doumentary, ‘Grunts of the Air’ depicting an A-10 Squadron deployment to Afghanistan in 2014. For some reason, the Air Force hasn’t released it officially. Naturally, Carr wants to know why.

I have no interest in stealing JQP’s thunder, so please read the background story here.

The Latest On “Operation Destroy CAS”

Monday, March 9th, 2015

John Q Public is to the Air Force what SSD is to PEO Soldier.  He’s been taking a hard look at the Air Force’s most recent efforts to mothball the A10 and dismantle its Close Air Support capability by hosting a CAS summit.  Read his latest installment here.