TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘LT Michael Murphy’

‘Murph’ – The Movie

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

I’ve been hearing for some time about efforts to make a movie about fallen US Navy SEAL, LT Michael Murphy, recipient of the Medal of Honor. Just yesterday, I found about a grass roots effort being staged on indigogo.com to raise $75,000 over the next two weeks in order to produce a documentary on this extraordinary man. Indiegogo.com works much like Kickstarter to crowd source funding and provides incentives to those who invest in projects.

They’ve already funded the early stages of the film internally but will soon move into the production and post-production phases and expenses will grow exponentially, including but not limited to administration, travel, location shoots, editing, music, titles, effects, etc. This is why they need your help making this film a reality.

Visit www.indiegogo.com/MURPH-TheMovie to see how you can help.