
Posts Tagged ‘Nikki Turpeaux’

Panteao Productions – New Video With Nikki Turpeaux

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Columbia, SC, July 15, 2014 – Panteao introduces the third video title with Nikki Turpeaux: Survivor’s Mindset for Ladies.

Going to the range and learning how to accurately fire a pistol or revolver is only the first step in learning concealed carry. In Survivor’s Mindset for Ladies, Nikki Turpeaux walks you through other important considerations like situational awareness, maintaining an aware lifestyle, online hazards, kids and field trips, camps and school safety, survivor’s mindset and more. Nikki Turpeaux is the Owner/CEO of Archangel Tactical, LLC and Founder of the Get A GRIP™ Ladies Personal Defense & Firearms Training Program. Her training curriculum serves women, men, youth and families in the disciplines of defensive pistol, shotgun, carbine, OC, edged/improvised weapons and unarmed defense training. This is a straight forward lesson from Nikki to you that will get you thinking and help you be better prepared moving forward.

The DVD is available for pre-order. Panteao Subscribers can watch the video online now.

Nikki Turpeaux

Link to video:

New Nikki Turpeaux DVD From Panteao

Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Columbia, SC, February 24, 2014 – Panteao Productions introduces the first in a series of DVDs with Nikki Turpeaux.

For women interested in concealed carry, this is one of the best videos to start with. Nikki Turpeaux is the Owner/CEO of Archangel Tactical, LLC and Founder of the Get A GRIP™ Ladies Personal Defense & Firearms Training Program. Her training curriculum serves women, men, youth and families in the disciplines of defensive pistol, shotgun, carbine, OC, edged/improvised weapons and unarmed defense training. In this video, Nikki starts you off with the key fundamentals. She walks you through handgun and ammo selection, methods of concealment, training equipment, targets and lethal zones on targets, stance, grip, sight alignment, and more. With this video, you will come away with a solid foundation to start building your skills upon.

The DVD is available for pre-order from the Panteao website. The video will be available streaming to Panteao subscribers shortly.


Direct link to product page: