
Posts Tagged ‘Small Wars Journal’

Small Wars Journal – Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

The very well respected Small Wars Journal recently published an article by COL Kevin Benson (USA, Ret) and Dr Jennifer Weber (Civil War expert) entitled Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future.

It’s caused quite a stir all over the Internet, even spawning an editorial in the Washington Times, “The Civil War of 2016.”

You need to read both of these pieces. Then, we can discuss. No tinfoil hat stuff, those are the limits. This is serious and I’d like to see the discussion progress beyond the obviously controversial scenario. It’s quite unfortunate that they chose to demonize a right wing political faction to make their point. But, our point is considering the implications and likelihood of such a scenario coming to pass by any means.