
Posts Tagged ‘StoveTec’


Monday, June 18th, 2012

US Tactical Supply told us about a new product line they are carrying. StoveTec offers one and two door models of their rocket stoves which will burn wood of other high biomass combustible material. The big plus to these style of stoves is that they use less fuel than cooking on an open fire.

Stovetec characterizes use of their stoves in one of two categories, “…either high or low power. We consider high power cooking as high temperature cooking with more fuel, as performed with boiling, grilling, frying, and/or using a wok. We consider low power cooking performed with low temperature simmering, use with covered retained heat cookers, or grilling slowly on a BBQ grill.” Both consumer stoves rely on metal lined ceramic combustion chambers and the big difference between the two models is those doors. With the one door model you feed the fire through the door. However, with the two door version you feed the fire through the top door and use the bottom door to regulate the temperature by opening and closing to control the amount of air that makes its way into the combustion chamber.

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