
Posts Tagged ‘Sugru’

DIY: Hack the Planet with Sugru

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

If you can’t hack the planet at least hack your kit. The Brits refer to making improvements or repairs to items as “hacking” and Sugru is a hacker’s (DIYer’s) dream come true. It is a silicon based compound that allows you to make simple repairs to items or to make modifications that will make your gear work even better for you. It is waterproof, self-adhesive, cures at room temperature and forms a soft silicon rubber-like compound.

The guy who turned us on to this stuff has used it and said, “Suggest you order double what you think you will need to make up for the amount your fire team buddies will mooch off of you once they see it in action.”

We can’t wait to get a hold of some ourselves. If anybody has used Sugru, let us know what you think.