TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Synergy’

DBT Announces Synergy Armor Package

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Diamondback Tactical has announced their new Synergy armor package. Not only has it met the demanding National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standard-0101.06, it has also been tested in accordance with the DEA protocol, and to the FBI ballistic test protocol.

The Synergy level IIIA is listed on the NIJ Compliant Products List with separate certification testing for male and female designs. Made of a proprietary Core Matrix® and performance aramid materials, the Synergy is a hybrid design vest weighing an impressive 1.07 lbs/sqft2.

In a statement provided to SSD, Dale Taylor, President and CEO of Diamondback Tactical said, “As an innovation leader within the industry, Diamondback Tactical is proud to be the first to offer operators combination performance testing to the NIJ .06, and specialized testing protocol to two of the most respected government agencies known today. These most recent performance achievements further reinforce the quality incorporated in every American-made vest we manufacture. We continue to stand on a platform of providing operators performance beyond the standard.”

The NIJ .06 protocol is an extremely robust test standard that requires minimum velocity requirements for select rounds, per threat level, and vigorous environmental testing, which include a 30 minute water submersion and 72,000 cycle tumbling requirement. The DEA and FBI test protocols also require intense testing to select special threat rounds and additional environmental conditions. The Multi-compliant Synergy IIIA reinforces the commitment made by Diamondback Tactical to serious operators for protection beyond the standard.
