
Posts Tagged ‘TAC-Finder’

Tactical Class Finder

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Tactical Class Finder aka TAC-Finder is a new web-based resource to help you find trainers as well as gear shops. The gear shop side of this sounds awesome. I constantly run across guys wondering what is available while they are on the road.

And, while I like the folks running this thing, I’m kind of curious about the “unbiased” aspect. Since they claim that the industry is in desperate need of an unbiased source for information and they plan to be it, I wonder what those “packages” they offer are all about. Sounds like they plan on taking money for listings. With that, somebody is going to claim that you are biased. Welcome to the big leagues.

At any rate, I can guarantee they will see some issues arise with the trainer part of this. There is no way around it. For example, are they going to open up their listings to every Tom, Dick and Harry out there? Just associating with some trainers will garner this fledgling site a bad reputation, at least in some circles. And then you’ve got to wonder if the top level trainers are going to want to lend their credibility to a site that will contain their competitors and by association legitimize them. It’s going to be tough nut to crack.

It’s an ambitious undertaking. I spoke to quite a few folks about doing this last year but with so many bullshit artists in the training market, I took a pass. I’ll keep an eye on how this goes for them. I wish them luck.

What is your centrally located source of weapons, gear, and training information? In reality, there isn’t one. This industry is in desperate need of an unbiased source of training options, ranges, and gear. TACFinder and Righteous Duke Media has created the perfect, hi-tech but easy to use website as the solution. With the goal of becoming the one-stop “find what you need” source Tactical Class Finder can help the novice or professional alike locate what they need.

This system has been built on an expandable platform that is ready to add on reviews, a community, endless page count, an e-zine blog and can maintain an unlimited volume of data!

The search feature is integrated with custom icons, google maps, and has the ability of finding each location down to GPS coordinates with fully customized search fields designed for Tactical Class Finder.

TAC-Finder is first & foremost a resource for the student-at-arms and consumer of firearms and tactical goods. TAC-Finder is not affiliated (i.e.,strategically allied) with any one organization/trainer/facility. TAC-Finder maintaining a professional neutrality in that we do not “play favorites”, meaning TAC-Finder does NOT show differential treatment to one organization/trainer/range over another.

Do you really want to get the student’s attention? TAC-Finder has service packages available giving a more in-depth look at you and your business. With TAC-Finder you can display pictures, media, and fully detailed class information and your business profile; everything you would want to show to your potential student or consumer-at-arms.

For more information regarding terms of use, packages available, or code of conduct please visit