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Posts Tagged ‘Veterans’

What’s In A Name?

Friday, August 24th, 2012

So what’s in a name anyway? What does the the term Veteran mean to you? I know there’s a Motorcycle Club by that name. And then there’s folks like you and me who served in our Armed Forces. When I use the word that way, it’s kind of a reverent thing for me.

But now I understand that there’s a new meaning of veteran, one with a little “v” because it’s one of the pettiest things I’ve ever run across. Apparently, you can be a veteran of dance. That’s right, dance. I don’t know, maybe those movies about those hardcore street dance competitions are true. I never realized that taking tap lessons would make you a veteran.

So now to the point of this. A San Diego-based company has formed that makes street-wear and urban apparel, whatever the hell that is. They have chosen the name Veteran Clothing. They aren’t Veterans in any traditional sense of the word but rather veterans (with a small v) of being opportunists (and dance).

Not only did they decide to name their company after some of the most respected members of society but also such imagery as salutes and the Purple Heart. I guess putting it into context, you could always salute them for those sweet moves on the dance floor and I suppose it’s possible to twist an ankle out there as well. That would call for a purple heart right?

Read the full details here, including the latest update which includes the screw you letter issued by Veteran Clothing to all of us “old vets.” Guardian of Valor has been all over this issue for the past few days and my hat’s off to them for fighting the good fight.

The ‘Letter of Apology’ from veteran clothing.

So what do you guys think about this? Is it ok, or should they close shop?

On a final note, I want to mention that I don’t want anyone threatening these kids with bodily harm. Hit them edonomically all day long. But, while I abhorr anyone sending death threats to these guys, at least they are getting a taste of being a real Veteran who has had to live with the possibility that they might die in their service. I always like a little irony.