
More on the Tactical Assault Platform

It appears that both the Marine Corps as well as Army both have similar systems referred to as Tactical Assault Platforms but at the recent Modern Day Marine expo, personnel from PM-ICE were quick to point out that the Marine version is decidedly different from the Army variant.

Tactical Assault Platform

This is a photo of the Army’s current TAP. PEO-Soldier is currently wrapping up an in-theater evaluation of the system developed at the experimental load carrying facility at Natick. As you can see it is intended to integrate with the IOTV and in particular the cut away feature. Additionally, it carries six 30 round M16 magazines internally as well as featuring two side pockets that will accommodate an M14 mag, MBITR radio, or DAGR. The internal pockets go flat so the TAP will accept SAW drum pouches. Versions are being provided to the two battalions conducting the Afghanistan camo trials.

On the other hand, the Marine version displayed at Modern Day Marine incorporated simple removable shoulder straps. Obviously, this further enhances the versatility of the TAP as it will work with the IMTV, PC, and as a stand-alone. There are a couple of other alterations from the Army’s baseline as well. For example, based on feedback from early testing all of the buckles are now self-tensioning like the buckles found on the Mystery Ranch 3-day assault pack. Interestingly, back when the ILBE program was still just a wee solicitation, the Marine Corps envisioned a two component system consisting of a pack and an assault load carrier to replace the MOLLE FLC. Many expected this to be a chest rig. Ultimately, the Marines decided not to field an assault load carrier in conjunction with the pack but the requirement remains on the books.


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