SureFire XC3

Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, a day when we commemorate the hardships of early settlers of our great land. We also take time to reflect on pur own trials and triumphs. Aptly enough, Mayflower Research and Consulting has provided a prize pack consisting of their new Assault Pack and a UW Gen IV Chest Rig. Both are in MultiCam and made from LiteLok fabric.



Mayflower asked us to find this gear a deserving home and we can’t think of any better group to honor than our readership. To enter, tell us what you’re thankful for in the comments section below.

On Friday the 25th, we’ll randomly draw a winner from the comments for the prize pack.

We will contact the winner via the email address you provide when you post your comment, so it would behoove you to enter a valid address you can access.

One entry per person.

You have up to 7 days to claim your prize after we send the winner email. Unclaimed prizes become forfeit.

Void where prohibited.


325 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!”

  1. Eric says:

    I am thankful to be heading back to the US from Iraq soon.

  2. JP says:

    I’m thankful to be moving from god-forsaken Alabama!

  3. Jeremy Layman says:

    I am Thankful that my family is at home safe and that my wife has everything under control.

  4. jjonesn says:

    I am thankful to be home and not ar war. I am thankful for my brothers in arms and their sacrifices. I am thankful for this great country. I hope everyone over thereyou has a great thanksgiving and makes it home safe.

  5. Chris says:

    I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thank ful for my friends, who are currently deployed. I am also thankful for the memories I have of my friend, Jared Monti and for the actions of my cousin, Bill Balfour – who both gave their lives fighting for their country. I am also thankful for living in the best country in the world! Say what you may about it, but we still have the best country out-there! If we are so terrible, why is it that everyone wants to move here – or emulate us? It because the U.S., ROCKS!!!

  6. Jeff says:

    I am happy to be serving overseas with some of the best guys I know, while the location maybe sh*tty, the company makes it funny and interesting. I am also happy for the support my family back home provides me and the crew. Thank you Canada

  7. Ross says:

    I am thankful that I now live in the US and can enjoy it’s freedoms.

  8. Rich says:

    I’m thankful for friends and family and to those serving our country, both at home and overseas.

  9. nic says:

    my men home with their families on Thanksgiving!

  10. Buckwheat says:

    I am thankful that my family is the center of my world, safe and in my mind as I sit overseas. I am thankful that my art as a warrior is raised by the hearts of other great cohorts, the unceasing skill of our cratfsmen and the feeling in my soul that I take pride as a protector of all that I hold dear -… My Good Name, My Honor as a Professional, and the Pride in beling allowed to defend my Country. I have already spilled tonight’s first drink for the newest 31 Souls and raised another to all our lost brothers. They will live forever. I piss on the memory of terrorists everywhere, may they rot in hell – sent their with the fullest speed from our most violent dispatch.

  11. odie says:

    I am thankful for the sacrifices made so that this holiday can exist.

  12. David says:

    I am thankful for my beautiful wife and daughter. I am also thankful for my law enforcement career of 16 years so far and to be the team leader of the baddest woodland tactical operations team East of the Mississippi. alio tempore RST.

  13. sb0494 says:

    I’m thankful for those that do the right thing, everyday regardless of who’s watching.

  14. LS says:

    I’m thankful for my great wife and two kids who love me very much. Also for a great country where we are free to worship and vote. For a dad who served in an earlier war in which he received a Purple Heart. Finally for all of our troops who are stationed outside of the US across the globe protecting us on the Thanksgiving Day and everyday.

  15. Will says:

    I’m thankful for having a great set of friends who no matter what happens to each other we are there for everyone in the group and no matter how far away we are, we will always be close.

    Long Live the WOLFPACK!

  16. pfdrlrsdude says:

    I’m grateful to be home this year. I’m also grateful for mayflowers recce stuff. I’m also grateful for rainbows. I’m also grateful for my removable cup holder that fits my coffee mug. I’m also grateful for my killer attack beagle. I’m also grateful for all of your grateful’s

  17. Jon says:

    I am thankful to have the holiday off to spend it with friends and family. I haven’t had too many holidays at home with the family because of my career choices.

  18. Paul Weaver says:

    I am thankful that I’ve retired, and won’t be missing any more holidays while deployed.

  19. john says:

    I’m thankful for my 13 day old daughter who just underwent major surgery to correct her intestines that twisted and for a command that understands my situation and has allowed me to spend time with her.

    See Yah soon Alpha Gators,, that’s for all the prayers, yat-yas!

  20. Trav says:

    I’m thankfull for Eugene Stoner, John Moses Browning, Reed Knight, and Gaston Glock (just to name a few). Who have all given me the tools to protect this nation from those that wish to destroy it and those that have nothing to be thankful for so they wish to destroy those that do.

  21. Derek says:

    I’m thankful to be home with my family to celebrate Thanksgiving while keeping my fellow brothers and sisters-in-arms away from theirs in my thoughts and prayers. I’m thankful for my family who have helped me maintain my sanity and put up with my numerous times away from them because of work. And finally I’m thankful for knowing the friends I’ve lost over the last 10 years that I was allowed to know them even briefly. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and stay safe wherever you are.

  22. Hammer says:

    I’m thankful for the awesome leadership I’ve had. Great officers and NCO’s can mean the world to people.

  23. John says:

    I am thankful for family, friends, freedom, and the soldiers who fight to insure our way of life does not change for the worse.

  24. Brian says:

    Im thankful that my platoon made it back safely from our last deployment to Afghanistan, and I wish the best for all my brothers still fighting the fight

  25. Ryan says:

    I am thankful for a steady job, a loving family and a roof over my head.

  26. Mac says:

    I am thankful for great family and friends, smokeless gunpowder, MULTICAM, and internet porn. You know, the usual stuff.

  27. David H says:

    This year, I am particularly thankful that I am becoming a father in six months. Having faced some trials and tribulations earlier this year, I have been subtly reminded that when one door closes, another opens. I have a beautiful family who I get to spend this joyous holiday with, real friends whose bond is as thick as blood, and most importantly the privilege and opportunity to be at home from now on to share the holidays with my loved ones.

    My time in the Marine Corps has instilled in me a greater sense of humility and gratitude; a sense one cannot possibly obtain or understand until they have been “without.” I am thankful for being able to pursue my goals and ambitions as I see fit and be a leading example to my first child.

    Lastly, I am thankful for those who continue to don our nation’s uniform each and everyday and carry out the mission for those in the fight. I pray that they will be able to find a moment to relax, contact their loved ones and go to sleep with a full stomach of a great meal.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. Dani says:

    i´m thankful for my family and friends,and the excellent gear from mayflower which is hard to get from my country 😉

  29. Adam says:

    I’m thankful to be employed, healthy, and to be home with my friends and family. I am thankful for the experiences that life has given and taught me to make me the person that I am. I am thankful to my father for instilling in me my love for shooting.

  30. Dave says:

    I am thankful to be stateside for the holidays this year.

  31. Tim Brown says:

    I am thankful for those that serve in our Armed Forces.

  32. mitch says:

    I’m thankful that all the service members in my life have safely returned home after many, many tours and are able to enjoy this thanksgiving. Its thanks to their sacrifice that I can enjoy this time with family and friends.

  33. Matt D says:

    I’m thankful for the millions of brave men and women who have defended our country throughout the years. There is no greater gift than freedom.


  34. Brad K says:

    I’m thankful for my wife, my kids, my God, and my country, and for all of those who are currently preserving our liberties.

  35. Mike says:

    I’m thankful that my wife delivered two healthy boys and I can’t wait to redeploy and actually spend some time with them!

  36. Mike V says:

    I am thankful for my family, my friends and my Country. I am thankful for the opportunity to have completed two deployments – and thankful to return to a wife and daughter who always make me want to be a better person. I am hopeful for a better future, and thankful everyday that we live in such a place as this. A Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  37. Res says:

    I am thankful for all my friends that are surviving IEDs, snipers, ambushes and fights and that will make their way back home. I am thankful for our fellow soldiers, because I know that they will make it easier for my friends to come back. I am thankful for having great allies, that helps our troops to give PTSD to the enemies we’re fighting now.

  38. Rob says:

    Thankful for all of His blessings, God bless America!

  39. HANK says:

    I am thankful that God has gave our founding fathers the wisdom and courage to forge this great nation. I thank God that we still have brave men of principle and dedication who are willing to defend it.

    May God protect the defenders of our country and the fortitude preserve our way of life for all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

  40. Howard H says:

    To be living in the finest country in the world and to have my family, that I am thankful for.

  41. Nick M says:

    I’ve seen the UW chest rigs before but never got to mess with or check out any of Mayflower’s bag options-

    I’d be thankful to get to check out some awesome gear first hand!

  42. Steve says:

    I am thankful for all of my brothers in arms. Some have given their lives so that we can live, others continue to take the fight to our enemy while we sit at home and enjoy the company of our families. Today is for them, not for us.

  43. Justin says:

    I’m thankful I’m able to spend this holiday at home when so many deserving spend it overseas. Thank you for your sacrifice and God Bless

  44. Rick says:

    I am thankful to be home with my family, I am thankful for the bonds that were built on our last deployment and grateful to God for saving a wretch like me from my sin….

  45. Levi says:

    Great companys that back great people in the field. Keep up the good work!

  46. Gene Hansen says:

    I am thankful for my family. Mywife of almost 14 years who has stood by me through many deployments. My my 12 year old who is a great young lady. My 10 year old boy who keeps me on my toes.

    I am thankful to be home for the holidays. Thankful to be from the greatest country on earth. And thankful to be privileged to serve in the military.

  47. Brian says:

    I’m thankful for or military and our veterans

  48. PJ2RESQU2 says:

    I am thankful that I will be home with my family this year for Thanksgiving. I am also very thankful for all our military members, especially those currently serving overseas, who keep us safe.

  49. Platform says:

    I am thankful for the great experiences and knowledge the military platform has to offer those that take up its profession !

  50. John says:

    I’m thankful for my family, friends, and loved ones who continue to step up for those who no longer can.