Wilcox BOSS Xe

Sneak Peek – PenCott Pathfinder BDU from Hyde Definition

Hyde Definition recently gave us a look at their upcoming Pathfinder BDU. Named in honor of WW II’s paratroopers, naturally, the Pathfinder will feature the PenCott patterns. It’s Berry compliant and uses the ACU fit block so finding the right size won’t be an issue.


The Trousers


The trousers feature large cargo pockets with button down flaps.


There is also a zippered compartment behind the main zipper.


The double knees will accept padding.


Additionally, there is a lower leg pocket similar to the ACU with a hook and pile tape flap.


The rear of the waist is slightly higher than the front to prevent sagging and the pockets are of a horizontal slash type, both front and rear.


The button waist also offers a tape to tighten the pants in the event of weight loss.


The Jacket

The jacket’s two chest pockets are angled slightly outboard and rely on hook and pile tape flaps. The zippered Napoleon-style openings seen on this prototype will not be included on the production model.


The stand up collar does not utilize hook and pile tape and can be worn up or down. The front is zippered with a flap secured with hook and pile tape.


As with the ACU there’s a bi-swing back for comfort and reach as well as hook and pile tape cuffs.


The inset sleeve pockets are zippered and so far do not include QuietLoop patches although this may be offered as an option.


Look for the Pathfinder BDU as well as a few other surprises in early Summer from Domari Nolo, Predator BDU and Tactical Gear Now.


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8 Responses to “Sneak Peek – PenCott Pathfinder BDU from Hyde Definition”

  1. BradKAF308 says:

    Nice, I prefer the Canadian buttons though.

  2. Tounushi says:

    I’ve been working on a camo family of my own for some years now, and its latest iterations have been compared to the Pencott because of its dithered texture.

    I was worried that I’m making the pixels too small in the texture, but seeing these closeups reassures me quite a bit.

  3. Ian says:

    Looks good, but at a glance it looked like the stuff the ANA wears.

  4. Desert Lizard says:

    I like this. I would prefer hook-pile for sleeve pockets but that may not a big enough issue for me.

  5. Ipkiss says:

    No rank tabs..?

  6. Lawrence says:

    This was a “clean” prototype. Production versions will incorporate “Quiet Loop” rank tabs, name tape / branch strips, and shoulder insignia patches – if the demand is there.

  7. They look really nice. I still have yet to see PenCott in person perhaps I will order a set of these to change that.