SIG SAUER - Never Settle

CFF Run With The Bulls Update

We’ve watched Combat Flip Flop’s Griff train all over the US and Europe as he prepares to run with Bulls in Spain, in flip flops no less in an effort to raise awareness to get the Afghan factories up and running. Here’s a recent training session in the Netherlands.

Earlier today, Griff made a trial run in running shoes and filed this report on Facebook.


Running with the Bulls Day 1:

Success! The CFF crew ran with bulls and made it to the ring successfully. Thanks to DK and Uber Group for providing the training footwear.

The AK’s are on deck for tomorrow’s run.

Challenge: 10000 likes
Dare: Flip Flops in the bull run
Bet: We can raise awareness and get Afghan factories back up and running.

To keep up-to-date on what Griff is up to, ‘Like’ them on Facebook.


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