TYR Tactical

DSEi – Hot Shots Calendar


If you weren’t at DSEi today you missed the opportunity to have the lovely models Holly Peers and India Reynolds sign your 2014 Hot Shots Calendar. Don’t fret, the models will be back tomorrow in the Edgar Brothers booth #S4 280, in the UK pavilion.

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4 Responses to “DSEi – Hot Shots Calendar”

  1. Reseremb says:

    Will buy a couple tomorrow, missed the Edgar Brothers’ booth today.

    • Reseremb says:

      Finally I had to buy three copies, thanks to the girls yesterday for their kindness (and patience). I’m sure that Hot Shots is making a ton of money for Help for Heroes.

  2. Mike B. says:

    The makers of this calendar needs to pay better attention then they did with the last one. The dates are wrong.. On my Hot Shot 2013 Calendar today is Wednesday, 12th of September..