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Canadian Military – Land Operations Temperate Boot

Latest and Greatest from the Canadian Army’s quest to find a boot that doesn’t fall apart and tear up Soldier’s feet.

Kodiak Group Holdings of Cambridge ON were awarded 2 contracts, and L.P. Royer Inc. were awarded one contract to develop what is called the ‘Land Operations Temperate Boot’ which is intended to replace the in-service combat boots used by the Canadian Army; Mk III Combat Boot, General Purpose Boot, and Temperate Combat Boot.

Apparently, as part of the development process an initial appearance survey was conducted; The boots had to look aesthetically pleasing to the soldier. One boot has the Canadian Armed Forces emblem embroidered on its tongue, the other has rubber mesh panels covering CADPAT AR fabric uppers.

Currently, the 3 boots are undergoing user trials for fit, function, and durability. If each boot scores a +60% acceptance rate during user trials, it will likely be procured, with the aim that all 3 boots be available through the supply system. The idea is to have a family of boots available to the service member, which they can choose which specific model they want issued according to personal preference.

Soldier Systems Canadian correspondent Levesque

32 Responses to “Canadian Military – Land Operations Temperate Boot”

  1. Ian says:

    That’s great! but I hope they keep the mondo system and use all widths, not just D and Up and that they leave it open to have custom foot beds made because Kodiak has horrible arch support designs.

  2. Fred says:

    ”…quest to find a boot that doesn’t fall apart…” Well guess what. Zipper seems to worn (or it will eventually) and apparently, the sole of one of the two others is tearing down…. and seriously 3 pairs? Why 3…. I wish Danner or Lowa could be in Canada…..

  3. That Guy says:

    The middle has started to fall appart 48h after its been issued to the Infantry. Zippers have indeed started to rip appart on a single range session… Yeah they don’t like the sand I guess.

    As for no 1, currently wearing them, they dry fast but get wet just as fast.

    Just let us buy our own boots its already cost too much for sub standard products… remember the CADPAT boots, that one was a real f***ing joke !!

  4. Kango says:

    Anything is a step up if it’s not made by Boulet.

    All those old boots were made to sound great on parade and everything else was secondary.

    I also thought there was already a new boot that was in the off colour called Maxi Brown. You can always leave it to the CF to reinvent the wheel and make something “Canadian” and you end up with a octagon.

  5. Paul says:


    Are you referring to the chocolatey brown boot? They were quarantined due to QC and/or design issues. Because we’re still waiting for a replacement for the Mark III boots these brown boots are now being pulled out of quarantine and issued out. I’ve had 3 pairs blow out on me and counting.

  6. Captain Smoof says:

    Ugh. So embarrassing.

    I wore CF boots for 4 months – in basic.

    Let’s just hope the new shade of boots chosen is widely available in the market. I don’t have faith that these new boots will suddenly beat my Rockys, OTBs or Lowas…

  7. Canadian says:

    The quarantined boots have been given the “all clear”- checkout the “Defence Watch” blog from the Ottawa Citizen.

    Also, the info about acceptance is different then what I was told (by members of DSSPM):
    If only one boot receives 60% or better, it is the buy.
    If two boots recieve 70% or better AND are within 10%, they will both be bought.

    The colour of the boots and all features remain “as is” for the production model, the maxi-brown is done with. Any changes have to be done “in service” which means 10 years or more.

    It’s hard to see in the pictures, but the light coloured areas on the boot in the centre photo are actually WHITE. I was told “well just rub some dirt on them if you need camouflage”. Stand by for our new orange surplus jumpsuits to replace the combats we don’t have- we can just rub dirt everywhere!

  8. Canadian says:

    Forgot to mention that the “trial” is a 45 day trial with no control criteria or specific performance tests. So the feedback is based on what everyone generally says, whether they work in the orderly room or not. No distance marches etc. You should see the zippers up close, there is no way those boots can provide any support- entirely sloppy. Oh, and the “quick lace” hooks- yep, plastic. Apparently that is the most comfortable pair- not a good sign.

    Bring back the Mk IIIs, a better sole, and teach the men how to break in their boots slowly like we used too. All the synthetic crap that “wicks” moisture away- only wicks it as far as the leather, where it sits just like it would without all the lining- except that “wicking” fabrics have the effect of holding water, good luck drying out your boots.

  9. Ron Dignard says:

    RCMP, CBSA, and several other Canadian federal organizations receive an annual or semi-annual footwear stipend/allowance. This should be done by the CF as well.

    • Canadian says:

      The Army has asked about this for years, the last thing I heard was that the treasury board said they would never approve it.

      The problem is that we would have to run trials to “approve” a list of boots, which means user trials etc.
      Their take is that for the money we should all just wear one boot.
      We all shoot the same rifle right?
      Boots are the same as rifles right?

  10. Ron Dignard says:

    If a footwear stipend will not be authorized, then some sort of amendment to the CF dress regulations should be done which authorizes the wear of commercially purchased footwear, similar to the US Army AR-670 dress regulations

    • Canadian says:

      Not sure where you work, but every Army unit I’ve worked with or been in, for at least the last eight years allows any boots that are black, and not shorter then 8 inches in height. That’s been a universally accepted standard for quite a while.

      I do agree that “in writing” would be nice.

      • Panacis says:

        Try going to LFQA/2 Div/5 Brigade. Plenty of issued only boot nazis there that will jump down your throat and question the validity of medical chits for alternate footwear.

        • Canadian says:

          I stand corrected then. Like I said, I haven’t seen an operational unit wearing more then 10% issued boots for quite some time. I do remember the days of “issued only” for everything, but boots was the first change.

          Somebody needs to man up and look for results with our kit, not bullshit.

        • Heh! says:

          I believe boot Nazis are important in order to save some tax payers money. I work in a clothing store and I can tell you that more than half of the customers are trying to get over entitlements of what the scale allows. Plus, they fuck up their gear in order to get the new cool item (pathetic!) They don’t understand how lucky they are not pay for the gear unlike our neighbors (USA). As for the medical chits, If it’s over 5years old it seriously need a refresh.

  11. Mike Honcho says:

    Those boots look short and more like hiking boots then combat boots. I’ll continue to wear my Rockys thanks.

  12. Jeremiah says:

    A ZIPPER?!? Are you f&@$ing kidding me?!? Yet another waste of money by “soldier systems”. Can anyone name one piece of equipment these jokers have designed that is actually good to go?

    • Andrew says:

      “Can anyone name one piece of equipment these jokers have designed that is actually good to go?”

      And therein lies the problem; DLR is supposed to set the requirements and DSSPM is supposed to manage the development and acquisition of products that meet those requirements, not design solutions.

      Unfortunately the relationship between those organizations is generally not great and they often work as cross purposes, both trying to subvert the other. It’s a mess and the products you guys are issued reflects that mess.

  13. 031 says:

    I will just wear my GSG 9’s … Canada needs to get it’s head out of it’s ass with this combat boot dog shit.

    And stop giving the test runs of new kit to RMS Clerks for Christ sake! When it comes to tactical boots, chest rigs, weapons, etc – the infantry needs to trial that gear.

    If we get a new ergonomic pen, by all means, let the purple trades trial the hell out of it. Leave the kit trials to the people that actually use it, please.

  14. Bradkaf308 says:

    Write to your MP. Get your family to write to their MP. This is nuts! Budget cuts. The first place to cut is bullet, boots and useful uniforms?

  15. Kango says:

    It would make too much sense to trial boots that are commercial off the shelf. But we all know common sense is so rare that it’s a super power.

  16. Bradkaf308 says:

    If they are going to look like that, can we just wear our desert boots?

  17. CdnOfficer says:

    I blame my fellow officers. I fear what lay ahead if we can’t sort out what type of shoes to wear. There are a million ways to spin this, however the fact is that our boots are not good. I look forward to the day where I can lead warriors and chose my own shoes.

  18. M2 says:

    I used a pair of Converse boots in Kandahar in 2008-2009 as part of battle group. I’ll note that the zipper was still intact after 9 months of solid use but the velcro holding the zipper at the top was the first to go.

    Granted that was in the desert (little water except for the sweat running down your legs) so I imagine that once these boots go through dew-covered grass, they’ll be wet for several hours.

  19. Joe says:

    Was Rocky even considered. It would have been much better.

  20. Steve says:

    Just issue us Swats or Magnums ! They are proven to work & last. It’s what us Troops buy anyway ….

    • countryboy says:

      SWATS I agree with. Magnums… no. They may last for some people.. but for a boot issued to all of the CAF, I disagree. They are a police boots. Designed for urban areas. Same with SWAT. Just so happens SWAT construction lasts longer than Magnum. Personally I think we should go Danner just like most of the US Forces… or Rocky. Proven “infantry” boots. Non of this Police boot stuff

      • TK says:

        Magnums are garbage and so are swats. Danners are the best, light and durable. Side zips are lazy and fall apart. Bend over and tie up your boots. Standard issues are heavy (CSA approved), and often people don’t fit well into them. If we were able to go get our own, they’re be no standard, and people would go get ridiculous boots. I agree with a few different ones to choose from, but how about asking us which ones would meet our needs, then trialing them. Bates, Danners, Reebok.