
GLOCK Gives Us a First Look at the G42

“It’s Built Because You Guys Wanted It…”

Every year, right around SHOT Show, GLOCK tempts us with the promise of a single stack 9mm handgun and every year we are disappointed. But Good God! This year, not only did they once again disappoint by offering up the model 42, a .380 pistol, but they also created this video to introduce it to the world. I love my GLOCKS but this is just too much.


31 Responses to “GLOCK Gives Us a First Look at the G42”

  1. Chris says:

    Everybody going to SHOT needs to hammer the Glock reps at the booth with “When does the 9mm version come out?” questions..

  2. Jbgleason says:

    When did Glock start releasing unscripted backyard videos? That was horrible. Worst of all, he never clears the weapon and then proceeds to point it at the cameraman and himself. I am not one to come on here and bitch about production quality (like the ones who knocked the PWS video) but damn that was poor.

    • BigMikeMike says:

      I agree. This video is just awful. I’ve seen guys do reviews in their basement that look better than this. This tells you a lot about how the company is being run.

      • Chris K says:

        Amen, you build guns for a living, don’t point a loaded and readied one at yourself. WHO exactly was the guy that asked for a .380 and not a 9mm? Cricket, cricket……..

        • Kango says:

          You safety nazis needs to get a gripe. No one needs to show anyone that their firearm is unloaded in the video to a bunch of keyboard nancys.

          • Chris K. says:

            There’s a reason for the first rule of firearms safety. We understand that when demonstrating a weapon you’re gonna point it in ways you normally wouldn’t. The problem is what we see is a guy pull a pistol out of his pocket loaded and ready and then point it at himself. Yeah he surely cleared the pistol but this has become an unnecessary distraction that could have been easily avoided.

  3. mike says:

    Nobody asked for this. Some people wanted access to the police-only .380 models, but most that I talked to about it lived in places where they couldn’t have military calibers. A pistol that size and single stack should be 9/.357SIG/.40 and to offer it in .380 seems like a fairly large flop in the making.

  4. NOLA says:

    Yup, this is gonna flop.

  5. Trajan says:

    While I have absolutely no use for it, we have to keep in mind that non-gun guys buy guns. With the popularity of those small .380s a few years ago, I can see how this gun makes sense.

    It is very disappointing it isn’t a 9×19 though.

    What’s even more interesting is it’s a USA gun. So Austria won’t be building any of these? Would be kind of ironic if they were, given the 100 year anniversary this year…

    • L.Washing says:

      hmm i think you got something wrong…. ist the 100 anniversary of WW1.

      The famous Glock itself was invented somewhere between 79-82.

      Gaston Glock (the crazy owner) was born 1929, and he still going strong and crazy…

  6. Orlando Gomez says:

    no one I know asked for 380 platform for a compact single stack. everyone I talked to expressed the need for a 9mm. that’s what makes sense I don’t understand why Glock is holding back on what customers want

  7. james says:

    I don’t know guys, but I can see it selling reasonably well. My daughter has been wanting pretty much this exact pistol. She loves the 19 but hates the 26, saying its like holding a one pound block of butter with recoil. The 19’s just too much for anything but a bag (for her). I can see her loving the 42:easier to hold on to, small enough to carry, and lighter recoil. Not much to moan about either way: What are the other two missing models? Surely they aren’t dumb enough to make a 17 sized 380.

  8. Eric B says:

    Yeah, I haven’t heard anyone ask for this. But then again, the guys I work with haven’t been asking for a single-stack 9mm either. Most stick with the 19/23 platform and a few use the 26/27 platform for appendix carry. You might find the odd 36 or sub compact Sig…but no .380s.

  9. mike says:

    I know someone at Glock looks at SSD so lets get this straight. Each year at Shot everyone asks for the same thing. Single Stack 9mm and a carbine. So if you could knock those out first that would be great.

  10. Hank F says:

    Fail!!! It’s not gonna be competitive in this current market. It’s significantly larger than a Kahr P380 by an inch in overall length. It’s even larger than a PM9!!! It’s gonna cost more than a Ruger LC380… And have decreased capacity. All of this I bet is due to glocks desire to retain polymer magazines. This is a square peg… And an example of poor market research. Make this gun in 9mm… Or not at all.

  11. Nikuraba29 says:

    I dont remember asking for it in .380, luckily the Walther PPS is essentially a german made single stack Glock.

  12. Eric says:

    I’m not a big fan of the glock grip angle, I love my M&P9, i never understood why glock wouldn’t make more single stacks or lesser angle grips for the American market.

  13. Adam says:

    I don’t know what you guys are smoking, but this is going to sell great. It’s a Glock. It’s small enough to conceal just fine. It’s large enough to actually practice with for the non massochistic. It’s simple. The competition for this is the LC380 and similarly sized pieces. I’m buying one for my wife, one for my daughter, and possibly one for my mom. If it sells well, you’ll get your micro nine. If it doesn’t; not a prayer.

    • Chris K says:

      I agree, it’ll still sell well and hopefully be a great pocket pistol. Just disappointing that they haven’t caught on that a lot customers really want a thin, single-stack 9mm Luger with approx 10-rd carry capacity.

  14. Matthew Kime says:

    Before we all get upset and worked-up… does anybody specifically remember asking for 9×19 Parabellum? Maybe they thought we wanted 9mm Kurz?

    Probably just a misunderstanding about a note on a nightclub napkin from SHOT 2013…

  15. joe says:

    Well, it only took them 5 years after the LCP stole a lot of the market from the KT P3AT (and since then, you’ve had S&W, Diamond Back and tons of other .380s), but they finally caught up to that market…

    The ONLY thing I know people have been asking Glock for is a single-stack 9mm concealable (like a PF9 or PM9); I don’t remember ever reading about people wanting a .380 pocket glock (though that’s what a lot of people called the Diamondback–so I’m sure some people mentioned that it was too bad Glock didn’t compete with KT, Ruger, DB, etc.).

    That said, even though the specs on this make it a bit bigger than a RUGER LCP with the same capacity–I still prefer Glock to Ruger, so I’ll probably buy one unless the street price is over $360 (the ONLY advantage in specs might be the barrel–which could be .25-.5″ longer).

    GLOCK–length 5.94″
    height 4.13
    width .94
    weight 13.74 ounce
    RUGER–Length 5.16″
    height 3.6
    Width .82
    Weight 9.4 ounce

    • joe says:

      It’s basically .5″ longer and .5″ taller than the PM9, a 9mm Kahr with the same 6+1 capacity and same weight. Thanks, Glock. 🙁

  16. CAP says:

    Glock will sell every single one of these that comes off the line, months in advance. When I worked for a large firearms retailer, small pistols like the LCP and BG380 were some of our best sellers. A few days later most who bought them would be back complaining about how these pistols are uncomfortable and difficult to shoot. There’s a good reason why our used cases were always filled with like-new micro .380s.

    There is a HUGE market for pistols that are small, low recoiling, have decent triggers, and are still large enough to shoot comfortably. The G42 fits this niche perfectly. It might not make sense to dedicated gun people, but to the average person these will be a big hit.

  17. Dan says:

    Introducing the Glock 42…For the discerning pistol packer who wants a sub-caliber gun slightly larger than the sub-compact 9mm they are already carrying.

  18. Taylor says:

    Uhhhm… The Glock we are all waiting for is a single stack 9mm. NOT a damn .380. I hope you do well but I do not see a lot of fan boys flocking to this one. Get the single stack 9mm out and people will actually be interested.

  19. Ken says:

    Those clever Glock guys! It’s a bait-and-switch. Get everybody worked up over something idiotic that everybody and his brother derides. Then, at SHOT, reveal the REAL G42. A carbine that converts to a 10-shot single stack pocket 9 the size of a Seecamp.

  20. Nikuraba29 says:

    For the single stack Glock we all have been whining about.

    It is even tenifer coated.

