

The Batteryclip is so cool I wanted to drop it in the middle of our SHOT show coverage. Offered in AA, CR123A and 9v sizes, they load just like a regular weapon magazine and offer innovative battery management.


The 9v model accommodates 10 batteries and the other 2 hold 8 each. Just like a pistol magazine there are indicator holes at the rear.


The interesting thing is that they weren’t inspired by gun magazines at all but rather were developed simply as a solution for batteries rolling around in bags and pockets.

The Batteryclip is available through Bottom Line Military Sales for individual or GSA purchases.


15 Responses to “Batteryclip”

  1. Toby says:

    That is actually a really good idea. That makes not only storage and packing of batteries easy and neat but it keeps them from contacting each other and loosing their charge. Good job.

  2. Mateo says:

    Sweet. I’ve been wanting something just like this and said as much yesterday while trying to organize all my batteries.

    For me, this is ideal for travel or any time or trips that are outdoors or on the move. Only A waterproof/resistant cap would be a nice touch.

  3. straps says:

    Boycotting it until they name it properly. Battery “MAGAZINE.” 😉

    • Ben says:

      Actually, given that it only *holds* batteries and doesn’t *feed* them to a weapon “clip” in this rare case is not entirely a misnomer 🙂

  4. Carolyn says:

    WOW! This is a fantastic idea! I have a battery drawer at home and it is a mess! The batteries constantly contact each other and it’s a pain to find enough of the one type I may be looking for! Luv it!

  5. shots&Pots says:

    inb4 someone lambastes the company for making them look like weapon magazines.

  6. John says:

    AAA version? I want some! Although I could see these being “interesting” to take through TSA… Any reported problems?

  7. jjj0309 says:

    Should have been double stack. I like high-capacity.

  8. blue says:

    saw this at the PX a few months ago and thought it was cool as hell, wish they were more weather proof thou

  9. Maxcoseti says:

    TSA approved!

  10. Buckaroomedic says:

    OK, which gear company is going to be the first to make a specific carrying pouch for it?