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SS Photo with Guards

Exoskel was developed for when proper climbing technique is superseded by the need for fast and low profile scrambling. Exoskel assists the user to rapidly ascend and negotiate obstacles, whilst offering enhanced stabilization and lower limb protection. The Exoskel features rows of teeth which lock on to terrain and lift the user via a stirrup system up and over obstacles.

Exoskel SS Pri 1

The Exoskel system can also assist the operator by:

– Stabilizing the firing or anchor position on irregular terrain
– Acting as a shin protector – injury prevention
– Perpetrator restraint
– Functioning as a Close Quarter Battle tool

Exoskel SS Pri 2

Exoskel guards hold in excess of 1000 lbs, yet weigh only 1.1 lbs each. They are Berry Compliant, and are made from high specification specialty engineering grade Polyamide which is high impact, puncture, UV, hydrolysis, and flame resistant – UL94 VO rated.


39 Responses to “Exoskel”

  1. b_a says:

    Wow, I do want them, although I don’t need something like this.
    They like black metalish spike shin guards, just better. They would look great on those Immortal guys.

  2. JOSHUA says:

    Man, I could have used those a few years ago. I still have cactus needles imbedded in my shins from night movements at Camp Pendleton and San Clemente Island.

  3. Steve says:

    Phenomenal idea. Would’ve made life much easier on many occasions. But once again prices out the individual soldier. Wish these companies would quit pricing with a mind toward government contracts that spend other people’s money. For $400 bucks I can get a Garmin Fenix that’s way more useful in way more situations. *End of cheap bastard rant*
    Killer freakin’ product though, excellent work Exoskel….

    • Steve Guiney says:

      Hey Steve, I am glad you like the idea, and I appreciate your comments. Of course I like your ‘phenomenal’ comment best. Re the price, it holds 1000lbs and it is not made in China. It is space shuttle material and that costs. We have tried to keep it down and offer a straight up $50 discount to Mil, Law, Emergency personal. My boots cost me $550. It is a struggle when the cheap labor creates such a demand for cheap products. But I tell you this, we are not going to compromise on quality by going off shore. I hope this device assists our people in the field, and I could not bear it if the device failed when it was most needed – owing cheap materials and labor. Over and out.

      Steve Guiney
      CEO Exoskel

      • KiNEtIX says:

        Hey, looks like truly a fantastic idea. I do have one idea though, ever since the Enhanced Combat Helmet came out, I’ve been wondering how long it will be until armor manufacturers come out with effective protection for upper and lower legs.

        As it is, I don’t know that the military would put forth the money for these (even though they might actually help our warfighters) but if these had some sort of ballistic capability, it would make a lot if sense. With IEDs being one of the largest threats our warfighters face, a ballistic shin guard could substantially reduce or lessen the effect of horrible lower leg injury. That combined with the usefulness for these for climbing would definitely make the case for these.

        Good luck, looks like a cool product.

        • Ironmnky says:

          Wow, you’re serious aren’t you? Mobility/comfort over protection any day.

          • Red says:

            Until your legs are shredded. Besides, they really don’t weigh that much at all

          • KiNEtiX says:

            I would normally agree, but we are facing a harsh new reality.

            Most of our conflicts for the foreseeable future are going to be against insurgent, guerrilla, or terrorist forces (that last of which are pretty much the first two 90-95% of the time). And every bag guy out there has seen how effective IED’s have been against pretty much everyone operating in Iraq and Afghanistan. These types of weapons are becoming the norm and are only going to get more advanced.

            This is why we are integrating counter IED technology into all current vehicles or designing new ones that protect against them from the get-go. We need to start thinking about body-armor like this too.

            Ceradyne and Gentex have made some serious advancements in non-ceramic ballistic materials (UHMWPE – I believe) and these could easily be integrated into designs other than helmets. If this guard was made out of these materials, it would probably not weigh that much more than a non-ballistic one.

            IF a design like that can offer a significant increase in protection that justifies the extra weight, it would be a good step. All i’m saying is it’s something we should look into. Protection of our war-fighters should be paramount, whether that comes best from adding weight or subtracting it.

        • SSD says:

          Keep an eye on Ironman, oops, I meant TALOS.

          • Bussaca says:

            Yet another peice of gear that if it ever becomes an acuallity, will never be used by the average soldiger..

          • KiNEtiX says:

            That program is literally just going to be a money-hole. Some good stuff will probably come out of it but a fully functional finished product – probably not. I think I saw a post on here where someone drew their interpretation of TALOS. Never got around to posting but I think this is a good interpretation of what that program COULD be:


            and in color:


            This is from the game Crysis by Crytek, I don’t know who designed this for the developer, but they may have inadvertently stumbled onto some half-way decent designs for armor for the extremities.

        • Steve Guiney says:

          We are working on it – weight is a problem. And if $400 is an issue, then that ballistic stuff is going make it worse – dang its expensive. But we are working all the angles to make it reliable and affordable.


      • Bussaca says:

        I agree with “Cheap” Steve.. My boots cost me $200.. and it hurt my pocket..
        I’m sure thier are some “0-whatevers” that $400 isen’t much.. But the rest of us Enlisted under E-6.. you know soildgers.. $400 is alot..

        Why does it have to be made outta the space shuttle, and angel tears.. There isen’t another material that isen’t as expensive? Me and my ruck and all the gear don’t weigh 1000 pounds, Even if i’m carrying another dude on my back, thats maybe 600 pounds if i decided to take his gear with me..

        I just don’t see why this can’t be made from aluminum, or compsite material..

        When does “MADE in THE USA” mean it has to cost 4 times more..

        So negitives asisde.. I wish I could afford them, They are awsome, I’m sure the tip of the spear gets yet another great toy, to help them kick even MORE ass.. Thank you for makeing a great product.

        • Steve Guiney says:

          I get it Bussaca,

          The reason for the 1000 lbs is falling with it. If you miss a ladder rung, or rock face with 250 lbs (you plus kit) and it you fall 12 inches, it blows the requirements off the charts. 1000 lbs is the middle ground.

          I appreciate the comments and support.


  4. Jason says:

    “….. Functioning as a Close Quarter Battle tool”

    I’d like to see that! lol

    • Flash says:

      Traditional forms of karate and muay thai use the shin as the striking surface for round kicks. It would be pretty nasty to take that hit, of course I don’t see many round kicks being executed…maybe they mean taking it off and using as a blunt force object?

  5. Reseremb says:

    I’ve seen this in a Spanish fórum not to long ago, they were commenting about how useful will it be for firefighters having to use extrication tools on top of crashed vehicles (lots of dented/sharp metal) and infantry movement in urban areas like when crossing walls with broken glass or keeping the position on mud roofs.

  6. joe says:

    Overbuilt for its main function as hard shell shin guards. Notice how every “that’s cool!” Comment makes no mention of climbing, but mentions protection? Save your money and go to a Sports Authority.
    For that price it should have ballistic protection (aka UHMWPE)

  7. Bill says:

    I could absolutely see those really amplifying a shin kick, and pinning a suspect’s limb to the ground with a little pain compliance available as needed. Would be great for guys in corrections and cell extractions. Add a couple spurs positioned and sized to get my ass over a chain-link fence, I’d write a check right now to prevent further embarrassment.

  8. Will says:

    Why does it need to support 1000lb?
    Would it be cheaper to make one that only supports 500lb?

    • That’s what I was thinking. Looks to be an interesting product but a bit over built perhaps.

    • Steve Guiney says:

      I said this to Bussaca above,

      The reason for the 1000 lbs is falling with it. If you miss a ladder rung, or rock face with 250 lbs (you plus kit) and you fall 12 inches, it blows the requirements off the charts. 1000 lbs is the middle ground.

      I appreciate the comments and support.


  9. Lcon says:

    Arm Guards Exoskell… Think about it…

  10. Stefan S. says:

    An insignificant use item at best. Get out of an urban scenario it is useless kit. Like a tree climbing kit in Iraq!

    • Will says:

      Depends on where you were in Iraq…

      Climbing kits in general were very useful Urban or otherwise.

    • SSD says:

      Well, since we’ll never, ever fight in a city, things like this are obviously, completely useless.

      Man, you can be a real simp.

    • JB says:

      LOL @ “get out of an urban scenario”

      By 2050, 75% of the world’s population will be living in sprawling mega-cities…if anything, future conflicts will be more urban, not less…

  11. Erik says:

    This would have been great for boardings, especially trying to get over that knife edge. Shin guards were a must-have anyhow, but these would have definitely been better.

    Not to mention, just the terrorizing presence they have!

  12. 10thMountainMan says:

    I usually scoff at this kind of thing because I’ve spent most of my career on my feet. I live by the philosophy that if It will bug me to carry it for 30 miles, I don’t need to bother with it for any shorter distance either. The current obsession with knee pads sends me into fits. All that being said, l’ve been in a number of situations, hopping walls in Iraq specifically, where this would have been handy. I would be very discerning what kind of mission I’d take this on, but I do see some utility in it.

  13. Steve Guiney says:

    Arm guards are tricky. The foot is an natural right angle, the elbow isn’t and it hard to climb with and load weight onto. It is part of the future planning.


  14. In my combat experience I never found myself needing anything other than some coordination with my fellow joes to overcome obstacles.

    With that said, I’ll never insult or discredit a new idea.

    I applaud the company for striving to look outside the box.