RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Survival Grips


Survival Grips are designed to create more stability and control over the front of the firearm with the hand and fingers locked into the grip. According to the manufacturer, use of Survival Grips make losing control over one’s firearm in the even to a struggle or accident almost impossible.

Survival Grips

The grip is made from Polycarbonate and mounts to a Picatinny rail. The finger guard – made from aircraft grade 6061-T6 anodized aluminum, is completely removable from the grip. As the removable finger guard resembles a set of knuckledusters, the manufacturer can ship the grip without removable finger guard if the customer lives in a restrictive state.



37 Responses to “Survival Grips”

  1. D says:

    Whole new level of dumb. Even people with bayonets on their pistols will make fun of this.

  2. mark says:

    I tried this out at SHOT. Absolutely hilarious product, and very elegantly engineered. Practical? No. Awesome? Yes. For a range blaster or dress up accessory it’s pretty nifty. Completes the evil black rifle ensemble.

  3. H.C. says:

    Gonna have a bad time when you lose control of your gat and break all of your fingers…

  4. MB says:

    This product reminds me of a saying from an old friend, “this is designed to catch fishermen and not the fish.” It does not allow any change of grip that inevitably occurs when shooting on somthing other than a flat range. Also an instant fail for the guys who get it and unknowingly run afoul of their local laws.

  5. Weaver says:

    Nothing says effective CQB weapon control and hand-to-hand techniques like managing a long gun with broken fingers twisted into a pulp by the very gun you’re trying desperately to control.

  6. badjujuu says:

    Possibly a product JJFU would be interested in?

  7. Tackleberry says:

    “Next on the list after dehydrated water…”

  8. oneoops31 says:

    It comes with side mounted sites for your Glock compliments of the company. Next is a punch dagger so not only can you break your fingers you can cut an artery also.

  9. Samuel Leoon Suggs says:

    Mall ninja bait. Pure and simple.

  10. Peshawar says:

    Needs more switchblade.

  11. SeanL says:

    Found an excellent video overview:


  12. Patrick says:

    better hope they don’t try to take the firearm or else your fingers will be going with it.

  13. Terry B says:

    Anyone who puts this on a real weapon for anything but a bad joke…should be asked to place their weapon in a safe condition, put it down and step away. No, no and NO!

  14. Terry says:

    It’s silly, but it’s also cool. I want one 🙂

  15. Lcon says:

    Needs more Cowbell.

  16. Stryker Magnum says:

    Under most conditions I usually have a smartass comment……………I’m speechless.

  17. Badjujuu says:

    All the gangsta wanna bes who claim Chicago but live 50 miles away will go for it.

  18. Jon C. says:

    Whatever haters. I ordered one.

    I have this vision of running my gun dry and transitioning to the knuckles. I’m gonna make that happen.

  19. Mayor Gooch says:

    I considered buying this, but I’m waiting for them to release it with a tribal design and/or a dragon painted on it, so people know I’m a warrior. I’m also concerned that it doesn’t say “Tactical” anywhere on it. I mean, come on! It doesn’t even say “SWAT” for chrissakes! For that matter, I also think it needs a flame-shaped folding blade of only the finest Pakistani steel. But I’m sure they’ll address this in the improved MKII version to be based off designs and input from true tactical operators operating tactically in true tactical operations.

    • Mayor Gooch says:

      Oh Snap, Guys!!!! They also have it in ZOMBIE… EFFING… GREEN! That’s it… Just ordered one for my bug-out bag, one for my bug-in bag, one for my go-bag, one for my bug-out vehicle, and one for deep concealment.

  20. Joe says:

    So why exactly did SSD review this? I constantly check this site for a heads up on relevant cutting edge equipment. Seeing this product is kinda like opening up car and driver and getting the lowdown on the 76′ Pinto. Whats next, Hi-Point reviews?

    • Red says:


    • SSD says:

      Why? To prove a point. More people looked at this stupid assed post than anything else over the entire day. Unfortunately, people want to see bull shit.

      • Red says:

        so it was nothing more than a successful bid for web traffic?

        • SSD says:

          I wasn’t trying to get traffic. I get plenty of that already. Every once in awhile I like to remind myself that the vast majority of people who visit the site aren’t the audience that I write for. Stuff like this hits it home.

      • Terry B says:

        I don’t care who you are…it is hard not to look at a train wreck!

      • Mike Nomad says:

        Mr. SSD, you got it half right: WE want to see the bullshit YOU put up here, along with the excellent non-bullshit you provide.

        To take the shit analogy quite a bit further…

        A lot of life includes eating shit sandwiches. And often times it is the bread that makes it bearable. However, I doubt anybody reading this, who does what they do for a living, does it just for the bread.