SureFire XC3

Remington Defense – Concealable Sniper Rifle

Here are some shots I took last week of the Concealable Sniper Rifle from Remington Defense.

Utilizing a modified variant of the Remington Arms Chassis System, the CSR quickly comes apart to fold into a backpack. It is currently available in .308 and .300 Blackout and is currently in use with customers.

The collapsible stock can also be removed for more compact transport.

Below, you can see how the barrel fits into the receiver.  The lever in his hand locks the front rail into place.

Interestingly, prototypes included this FAB Defense folding pistol grip but it is not included on production models.


20 Responses to “Remington Defense – Concealable Sniper Rifle”

  1. Sheer brilliance, a true niche in a flooded market. I’m SOLD !

  2. tazman66gt says:

    Too bad they probably want $30K if they put it in the civi market.

  3. Dellis says:


    Key word here being “compact”. Love it but as noted already I am sure it will be big bucks….outta reach for the majority of folks.

  4. Dellis says:

    Just took a good look at the pics again and in the broke down pic, the bolt assembly with scope pic sure looks like a TC Contender!

  5. Tackleberry says:

    Hope they offer in kit form in addition to turn key. Not everyone would want to run given glass, brake/can or even ROT on those expensive Proof pipes. Like it a lot.

  6. mike says:

    ran that FAB folding grip on my AR pistol for the longest time, great for changing the shape enough to tuck it in a bag.

  7. Eric Elletson says:

    Damn it… How many times does Eric have to tell you guys about complaining about how much something cost? he doesn’t have to do this. He host this awesome site and just tries to bring bad ass info about a world most of us are a part of. This is not a budget/ bargain site. If that’s what you feel the industry is lacking then go create a website devoted to it. otherwise, shut the hell up and carry on…

    • Mike says:

      Only two people mentioned price. Calm down and let Eric run his own blog.

      • SSD says:

        I have no idea what it might cost. Just last week, Remington Defense released the first five weapons for commercial sale. I generally don’t post pricing because the value exchange is between seller and buyer. One reader might be responsible for buying 10,000 of something for the government while the next guy is buying one for himself. The price each of them pays will be drastically different.

    • My Lying Eyes says:

      Why are you not allowed to ask about price? I must have missed that post. White knighting on a blog of this type seems a bit much. I hope my comment does not raise the ire of the master of this blog.

      • Eric Elletson says:

        White knighting? A blog of this type? I am a soldier that visits a site daily, that is called Soldier Systems Daily. SSD has motioned numerous times about folks balking at prices and there are one or two every time. The comment section is a big part of this site and I would hate to see it go. I’m not speaking for SSD, it is only my opinion and if it hurt your feelings then I apologize.

  8. Dellis says:

    I was only stating fact when I said it is most likely “big bucks”. I am sure it’s past the 5k mark and for most folks that’s big money for a rifle.

    The rifle is awesome, never knocked that and I do appreciate the efforts put in for this blog by SSD.

  9. Neal says:

    The barrel goes on like a ArmaLite/Charter Arms/Henry AR-7!

  10. Phil B says:

    RemDef had a version of the CSR at SHOT 2015 that makes this one look down right pedestrian.

    Same basic config but with Proof Research carbon fiber barrel and unknown mfg (probably Lancer) carbon fiber handguard. Stupid light, ultra dope. Rep said it was a CAG special but who knows… What’s for sure is that it haunts my dreams to this day.

  11. Bushman says:

    What about composite barrel?
    Makes perfect sense for this application.

  12. mark says:

    That is a very cool piece. It makes me think of a modern version of Gina Davis’s suitcase rifle in “The Long Kiss Goodnight.”

  13. ParatrooperJJ says:

    I wonder about the repeatability of the zero with the removable barrel.

    • freenate says:

      Hope they came up with a much better barrel attachment system than anyone else has. I’ve never seen a takedown rifle hold zero.