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Sons Of Liberty Gunworks Welcomes SGM(R) Chuck Pressburg To Pro Staff

San Antonio, Texas 11FEB2020 – Sons of Liberty Gunworks, a superior manufacture of high quality, hard-use, direct impingement firearms, is pleased to announce the addition of SGM(R) Charles “Chuck” Pressburg of Presscheck Consulting to our professional staff.

About Chuck Pressburg: SGM(R) Pressburg retired from the Army on 01JAN2017 with over 26 years of active service, mostly in Special Operations and Special Missions Units. After Infantry and Airborne Training in 1990, Chuck completed the Ranger Indoctrination Program and was assigned to the 1st Bn, 75th Ranger Regiment.

Chuck’s various assignments included:

• 10 years in the 75th Ranger Regiment including platoon sergeant of a 65-man strike force deployed to Afghanistan twice in 2001/2002. Chuck’s platoon was highly decorated for combat action receiving 10 Silver Stars and 11 Bronze stars with “V” during their first deployment.

• 24 Months rifle and sniper squad leader 82nd Airborne Division.

• 2 years Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) (Founding member, 1st Active Army unit member deployed to combat, Selection class #1, Operational Training Course (OTC) Class #1) Spending over 20 months in Operation Iraqi Freedom, conducting Small Kill Team (SKT) operations and Direct-Action raids in support of conventional and Special Operations Forces.

• 12 years, HQ USASOC performing various operational and staff tasks as required including a two-year assignment to the G8 section where Chuck performed Science and Technology R&D. While assigned to USASOC Chuck graduated from the Defense Acquisitions University’s Combat Developer’s Course and The Human Factors Engineering (MANPRINT) Course. Chuck spent several years assisting in material acquisition programs for SOF.

About Presscheck: Presscheck Training and Consulting, LLC. is a Disabled Veteran owned small business founded in 2015 to provide training to Military, Law Enforcement and vetted civilians in marksmanship, tactics, close quarters combat, urban operations, and night vision, as well as, other restricted subject matters. Presscheck also provides Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support to the firearms, tactical, and defense industries in the areas of new product design, business development, human factors engineering, and brand marketing. Presscheck Consulting currently provides various services for Blue Force Gear, B.E. Meyers and Company, and Hodge Defense.     

“Sons of Liberty Gun Works strives to manufacture a tool that exceeds the harsh demands our customers may find themselves in. Chuck’s extensive experience makes him a great resource for the new products we want to bring to market, as well as, a line of Presscheck Consulting products he has in his portfolio.” Said Mike Mihalski of SOLGW. 

For more information:

Presscheck Consulting

Sons of Liberty Gunworks

Sales / PR Contact William Phebus

28 Responses to “Sons Of Liberty Gunworks Welcomes SGM(R) Chuck Pressburg To Pro Staff”

  1. ScubaSteve says:

    Isnt that the guy who shot his brother in law shithoused?

  2. HonkieKong says:

    I smile every time I get to see that mug.
    If you don’t like Chuck then F**K YOU, it’s like big red but for your soul.

  3. DV says:

    Always remember…
    Rumors are carried by haters,
    spread by fools,
    and accepted by idiots

  4. Roy says:

    Come on guys….who hasn’t at least wanted to shoot a relative?

  5. Marcus says:

    The man oozes so much wisdom, if you stand close to him it seeps into your brain.

    I wish him nothing but good luck because there is zero way I can ever repay him for what he’s done for our country and so many individuals. We are a better nation because he was born.

  6. Electrician says:

    26 years putting foot to ass for our country and people still want to shit on him for a dumb mistake. That’s the internet for you

    • GANDIS says:

      It’s not just the Internet, it’s 2020.

    • Darkhorse says:

      People are allowed to make mistakes. When one chooses a profession in firearms, and then has an accident with a firearm, it’s 100% ok to call that out. The fact that he served 26 years has nothing to do with someone calling him out whether it’s a basement commando or the most elite of the elite.

      Chuck’s mistake (as I pointed out in the original press release on SSD) wasn’t just one mistake, it was a series of poor decisions that lead to an accident that culminated with another person being shot. That’s a big deal, not some minor infraction on a range where a weapon was pointed in a safe direction and he squeezed one off a little too early on a timer.

      Is there proof that Chuck will never make another series of bad decisions? Does the fact that he served 26 years erase the poor decision making process in the recent past? That’s not “the internet for you”, that’s what a person in the firearm’s profession has to overcome after making such an egregious series of bad decisions.

  7. DI1 says:

    Chuck is a fantastic instructor and a wealth of knowledge!
    We recently had him teach a night vision class and he was exceptional!
    Highly recommended!
    Best of luck with your new position.

  8. Seamus says:

    Isn’t that a Hodge Defense patch on his hat in the picture for his new job at Sons of Liberty. I aint hating, just pointing it out.

    • Paul says:

      I thought the same thing:) I heard an interview with the Sons Of Liberty owner and it sounded like him and Hodge are friends and live close to one another. They aren’t really competitors. While they both make ARs, they do it with different philosophies and way different price points.

      • SSD says:

        SOLGW and HD are across town from each other and indeed friends. In fact, Sons of Liberty use Hodge technology in their guns, like Handguards.