GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Back from Retirement – the Biafra Mile Run Pack

Eagle Industries

The original Urban E&E bag is back! Ok, so now it’s a pack and before it was a pouch but that is just semantics. The important thing is that Eagle has brought it back.

Eagle Industries Biafra Mile Run Pack

Eagle started with the classic design and updated materials and a few design features. The BMRP carries everything you need to stay alive in a hostile city, or a friendly one for that matter. It has provisions for a pistol, spare magazine, map, survival equipment, passport, and other essentials.

The universal holster accepts most common semi-auto pistols and the single magazine pouch is also sized for most common semi-auto pistol magazines. Behind the holster platform is a full length pocket with a Velcro closure for added security. The wings open in a manner similar to some IFAKs. The right wing folds out to expose a clear see through map case, and the left wing features a mesh zipper pocket. The bottom flap features a mesh zipper pocket with a hidden pocket behind the seam for further storage. The rear of the BMRP has a low visibility pocket allowing access to a passport and other travel documents without having to open the rig for access.

Eagle Industries Biafra Mile Run Pack - Interior

The removable waist belt and adjustable shoulder straps are low profile and a simple baggy shirt makes this item disappear beneath your clothing.

We really want to applaud Eagle for manufacturing more and more products from 500D Cordura. It offers an excellent balance between weight and durability. Available in Grey or Khaki from Eagle Industries.

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