AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Crye Developed New Camo Pattern for Brits

Soldier Systems Daily has received verification from Crye Precision that they developed the new Multi-Terrain Pattern exclusively for use by the UK’s Ministry of Defence. A Crye representative related to us that, “MultiCam® won all their trials so they wanted us to develop a pattern for them that performed like MultiCam® but had a distinctly British identity. UK-MTP is the result.”

UK-MTP developed by Crye Precision for the UK MOD.

Earlier today, unattributed information found its way to a popular military message board detailing plans to begin issuing this new pattern initially to troops on Op Herrick early next Spring and ultimately in 2011 to the entire military. As you can see from the photo, the unique MultiCam® color palette has been adapted to a pattern reminiscent of Disruptive Pattern Material (DPM) a pattern in use by the British military for 40 years.

As posted on StrikeHold! the UK’s Special Forces Support Group has been wearing combat uniforms in MultiCam® for some time.

The adoption of MTP seems to put to rest the limited use of Hybrid DPM which has seen limited use in Afghanistan on “Battle Bags” and assault packs.

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