FirstSpear TV

“New” from H&K – MR 556

H&K MR 556

At SHOT Show H&K displayed the MR 556 and MR 762 civilian variants of the HK-416 and 417. That they have new names this year is step toward demonstrating that these are not clones of the rifles released in Europe. As we posted in November, the takedown pins are in the same location as Mil Std US Stoner-style rifles. However, take a look at the close up of the takedown pins. They appear smaller in diameter than Mil Std pins, but I was assured by an engineer from Obendorf that this is not the case. What is different about these pins is that the center must be depressed with a punch or similar item in order to be moved. This is required when breaking the weapon down as well as when putting it back together. Interestingly, the MR 762 did not have the new takedown pins (UPDATE: because these are the same samples exhibited last year). Pricing was still not nailed down and discussions of release dates were met with “four months.”

MR 556 Takedown Pins

H&K employees manning the booth stated that they had just received the samples on Friday and that they were not yet completely familiar with them. The weapons were assembled at Daniel Defense but bear the proof marks of HK’s assembly plant co-located with Wilcox Industries in New Hampshire.


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