
Tactical Research by Belleville Introduces The MultiCam Kiowa

Responding to a request within the community, Belleville Shoe Company utilized its new “Tactical Research” brand to develop their top selling “Kiowa” assault boot in a coloration that features olive, flesh-out suede leather perfectly matched to MultiCam®.

Belleville's Tactical Research Kiowa in MultiCam

As with all “Tactical Research by Belleville” styles, the new boot will feature the proprietary TR-1 foot support insole; an anatomically shaped, removable footbed that offers the performance features of expensive, after-market insoles.

In appreciation to their customers and our readers, Belleville is pleased to offer $20 off the regular retail price to the first 50 customers who call and mention that they saw this article on Regular retail price is $109.95, but with the discount, the cost will only be $89.95 which includes FREE CONUS shipping. The phone number to call and place your order for the MultiCam® Kiowa is 1-800-376-6978.

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