SIG SAUER - Never Settle

The Emergency Bra

Not sure if this should be featured in a survival or a lingerie catalog, but either way, it will raise eyebrows. The new Emergency Bra combines support, good looks, and in an emergency it converts into two respiratory devices. The $30 price tag doesn’t seem overly exorbitant but as it’s only available in B and C cup sizes we are guessing the average wearer would be swimming in a D cup in gas mask mode. But, what a way to go.

It’s actually been around for awhile but has recently received some revived press coverage and we can see why. The Emergency Bra certainly catches the eye but does it work? We’re not really sure since the makers have not been very forthcoming about technical aspects such as types of filters and particulate size. However, we will know it is a hit if it makes it into the next James Bond film. Oh James…

-Tactical FanBoy

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