GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Maintainer Boot from Tactical Research

If you are in the Air Force and work around POL at all you know that the current green suede boots absorb like a sponge. Not only does it look bad, but it’s hazardous as well. While the Air Force has decided to adopt a smooth leather version, implementation has been slow.

If you are wearing Black boots to work, the new Maintainerâ„¢ from Belleville’s Tactical Research might just be for you. Not only does it feature full grain leather, it also has a composite safety toe which, is not only lighter weight that steel, it does not conduct heat or cold like steel toes. Additionally, and ever important for maintenance troops, the outsole is oil and slip resistant.

To order visit www.bellevilleshoe.com and look for the TR636 CT – Maintainerâ„¢ Boot.


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