SIG MMG 338 Program Series

More on the Laser Devices Civilian Class I Lasers

Now that they have been out for a few weeks, we are able to give some additional information on the Laser Devices Civilian Class I Lasers available exclusively from Tactical Night Vision Company. This article will concentrate on the Dual Beam Aiming Laser – Intelligent² (DBAL-I2) Class I which happens to be an excellent value. It is offered in Black or Tan case with Green or Red visible laser.

TNVC took the unit out and was able to clearly discern the laser’s circular pattern to up to 100 yards but noticed degradation beginning at 115 yards. Additionally, TNVC found the lower power to work to their advantage in a CQB environment as more high powered lasers are prone to bloom on walls, particularly light colored walls. Finally, they found that the IR illuminator did not wash out the visible laser.

This is the first time that Laser Devices products have been offered to the public. Please note that it is STILL an ITAR controlled item. For more information, or to order visit

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