
Join Us on Facebook

We finally broke down and have been assimilated into the Faceborg. We will be updating our wall with alerts for our latest articles and generally interacting with our fans, oops we meant “likes”. Is it just us or does “like” sound kind of 8th grade danceish? Check us out over there and “like” us.


4 Responses to “Join Us on Facebook”

  1. Strike-Hold says:

    Ha ha. I know the feeling….

  2. Bravo Lima Juno says:

    Sorry, No Koolaid drinking for me. Social Networking sites are dangerous to my personal information. Too bad you did this.

  3. Administrator says:

    We aren’t going away. Sorry if you misunderstood. We will still publish here. This is our place but many of our readers hang out over there and they will be alerted to new content on our site as we update our Facebook wall.

  4. thanks a lot for this information , This is my third visit to this blog ,keep up the good work !