B5 Systems

Volk Tactical Adds A-TACS

About a year ago we introduced you to niche Japanese brand Volk Tactical. Recently, they contacted us with news that they had begun to produce products in the A-TACS pattern.

While Volk Tactical has been primarily serving the enthusiast market, you can see that their kit looks pretty good in A-TACS and helps give an idea of the realm of the possible.

Once again, we would like to let our Japanese readers know that our thoughts are with them in this difficult time and we wish them health, safety and a swift recovery.


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One Response to “Volk Tactical Adds A-TACS”

  1. […] いち早くA-TACSでの展開をおこなったVOLK。米国製の装備ブランドがひしめく中、VOLKは日本の装備ブランドとしては異例、海外で著名なタクティカルギアのニュースサイト「Soldier Systems」で、その新商品情報が取り上げられるなど、その存在感をワールドワイドで展開している。 ⇒Volk Tactical Adds A-TACS / Soldier Systems […]