FirstSpear TV

Win Magnum Sidewinder HPi Boots from Military Gear Blog

Our friends over at Military Gear Blog are sponsoring two opportunities to win a pair of Magnum Sidewinder boots. Both contests end Wednesday, March 30 at 10 a.m. CT

1. The first contest is a caption contest on’s Facebook page – The entry with the most “likes” will win.

2. The second contest is on Twitter. To enter, all you have to do is retweet this review –


One Response to “Win Magnum Sidewinder HPi Boots from Military Gear Blog”

  1. murphquake says:

    Just another reason to check SSD like a fiend. I won the twitter part of the contest! Yay! If you guys ever catch me in NYC you can wear them for a little bit as long as your shoes are a 12EEEE =-D Thanks fellahs!