TYR Tactical

Bates Footwear Partners with The Boot Campaign

Unless you’ve been living on Mars, you’ve heard about The Boot Campaign by now. Their motto is simple; “When They Come Back, We Give Back”. Founded by five Southern ladies from Texas who call themselves “The Boot Girls”, The Boot Campaign provides a tangible way for Americans to show support of our troops and directly benefit our military through purchases of boots and other merchandise. Bates Footwear has teamed with them to add several footwear styles to the program. Proceeds from purchasing signature boots from The Boot Campaign are donated to their charity partners including the Lone Survivor Foundation, Not Alone, Wounded Wear, and Military Warriors Support Foundation.

Celebrities have taken up the cause and supporters range from country music stars Joe Nichols and Dolly Parton to TV and radio host Glenn Beck. Sports and Political figures such as The Detroit Red Wings, Chicago Cubs and the Governor
of Texas, Rick Perry have been spotted wearing the military fashioned boots to show their support. But they need everyone’s support if they are going to meet their goal of seeing one million Americans in a pair of Boot Campaign
“give back” boots. This isn’t just for uniformed professionals but rather for everyone and there are many styles to choose from.

As Ron Woznick, Vice President & General Manager for Bates, said; “Bates has the honor of providing footwear to thousands of Warfighters each year that selflessly protect our country. Their sacrifices and commitment are simply amazing. We are privileged to begin working more closely with The Boot Campaign, who has done a phenomenal job of drawing attention and supporting our military heroes.”

To participate, mosey on over to www.bootcampaign.com

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