GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Corps Strength – The Wheelhouse

One of the big “Buzz words” in the fitness industry nowadays (they always need a new buzz word) is Core Training. Before you say it, the title of my book “Corps Strength” is not one of these, as “Corps” relates to my Marine background. However training your Core is very important for those who use their bodies to make a living. Military members, firemen and law enforcement people rely on their Core much more than the average weekend athlete.

But what really is your Core? Many years ago when I had dreams of being a professional fighter (a boxer that is, MMA wasn’t around in the late 70’s) my old school trainer use to preach to us about using our “Core” to generate real punching power. However he never used the word Core, he called it the “Wheel house”. Roughly the area from your belly button to your knees. This is the place where the most powerful muscles of your body hang out; your upper legs, hips, butt and lower back, it’s where knockout power really comes from, not in your arms. But this area doesn’t just help in hitting power but for every important movement in sports as well as for everyday physical work. It needs to be trained and conditioned, for not only brute force but also for endurance, flexibility and remaining injury free. I learned how to do this correctly many years ago and include these methods in my training system. You will never maintain real strength, health and endurance without a well conditioned “Wheel House”. Sorry that I brought back an old buzz word to describe a new one, but to be honest I like the old one better.

Be safe and good luck.


One Response to “Corps Strength – The Wheelhouse”

  1. Oscar says:

    One word: Crossfit.

    You want a strong core? Just try doing thrusters, kettle bell swings, box jumps, squats, kipping pull-ups, push-ups and medicine ball throws all in one workout, with no rest in between, as quickly as you possibly can.