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Milap – The New Indian Carbine

In our article on the Indian Army’s Futuristic Infantry Soldier As a System (F-INSAS) we mentioned a new carbine that was on its way. It’s called Milap and according to a recent article in the Times of India, it should begin field trials soon. Named after the joint venture that developed it, the carbine comes from a collaboration between the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) and Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). There are reportedly 20 variants of the carbine with Defence sources claim the Milap will run about R50,000 per copy which is half of what an earlier consortium had quoted. We’re not too sure what is meant by 20 variants but we find it very interesting that the Indian Army is more interested in a carbine, more suited for CQB scenarios such as the Mumbai attacks rather than full length heavy caliber rifles for potential operations along the border with Pakistan.

7 Responses to “Milap – The New Indian Carbine”

  1. Mark says:

    Why do so many countries feel they need to reinvent the wheel? If India needs a new carbine I’m sure it can be found in the US, Germany, Russia, Belgium, or Israel.

    With the money they sink into R&D for these things they rarely if ever produce something better. Why bother?

    I’m sure they all have a reason to begin these “doomed from the start” firearms projects for their countries. Nationalism? We(the US) doesn’t mind buying Belgian, Swiss or otherwise. I’m sure someone here is in the know and can shed some light on this.

  2. Matt says:

    This is purely speculation and opinion but I would think it has to have something to do with manufacturing capabilities. How many HK factories or FN factories are located in India? Having to rely on foreign countries shipping your primary weapon rather than you being able to produce it locally puts you at a serious logistical disadvantage. If India adopted the HK 416 as their new carbine, would HK build a plant there? Would they allow licensing to a local weapons manufacturer? I might be wrong but isn’t every weapon we use in our military manufactured in America? India just wants a new, locally produced, carbine.

  3. tomaso says:

    Im betting it all about cost…the new carbine estimated cost in dollars 1100.00
    which to me seems alot but i dont know what a mil spec m4 costs to the goverment… what is iteresting is the carbines new round…kinda like a 5.56sig round 5.56×30 here:…

  4. max says:

    about manufacturing. Norway adopted the hk416 as the standard assault rifle. Does hk have factories in norway? not likely. Australia adopted the aug. Does steyr have factories in australia? not likely either.

  5. tomaso says:

    MAX..not sure that makes a point…some countries like to have their weapons made in country..others don’t care.

  6. Manny says:

    Colt licensed Elisco Tools in the Philippines and Diemaco in Canada to produce M16A1, M16A2 and M4 variants. They could have done the same (seek licensing from Colt) but maybe they didn’t really even want to as they would rather design and build in house as a sense of national pride.

  7. MAX: Australia purchased a manufacturing license from Steyr for the AUG. The domestically produced AUG are coloquially known as the Austeyr.